Research - some case studies of a number of our patients with life threatening illness

Some Case Studies Of a Number of Our Patients With Life Threatening
At our clinic we see a range of all the common cancers, and a number of rare
ones. Generally speaking we see stage 3 or 4 cancers, often radiotherapy,
chemotherapy and surgical failures. It would be nice to see cancer patients at
an earlier stage of their disease process, but from a randomised control trial
perspective the approaches we are using are not as well researched as
conventional approaches. It could therefore be argued that the evidence base
is on the side of conventional approaches to cancer. This does not mean that
our treatments do not work, and we can certainly say that they are all safer
than conventional approaches. We often run our approaches alongside
conventional treatments for a whole range of cancers. The observation that
we do get encouraging results with a number of late stage cancer patients,
has led us to employ a research nurse. We are setting up an observational
study on the patients we see, looking at quality of life and median survival
times, and comparing these survival times to those expected if these same
cases had followed conventional approaches. We expect this study to last
three years and we hope at that stage to get it published as an observational
outcome study.
An increasing number of patients are approaching us at a much earlier stage
of their disease process, and these patients are turning down conventional
approaches. We discuss each individual case with the patient, we very much
encourage surgical approaches, but we often enter into a process of risk
assessment and quality of life issues on the type of treatment path which any
particular patient may choose at an earlier stage of their disease. We always
try and do this in cooperation with the patient’s oncologist and their GP.
Because of the poor evidence base behind complementary approaches to
cancer, all our treatments are offered on an informed consent basis.
The following is a collection of cases, some are remarkable, to give some
idea of the kind of results we have been obtaining. We have our failures like
everybody else, so it is unrealistic to suppose that we can help everybody.

Case 1:
Mrs ER age 48

Cancer of the left breast with bony secondaries in both hips and the lower
back. Considered to be beyond conventional treatment other than the use of
Tamoxifen and surgical removal of the ovaries.
She has been treated with dietary approaches, a range of immuno
stimulatory, nutritional and complex homeopathic medications together with a
course of high dose intravenous vitamin C. The breast lump has completely
moving on to make a specific dendritic cell therapy vaccine for this patient. Case 2:
Mr DR age 73

Mesothelioma of the pleura on the left side. This patient came to us nearly
five years ago with a prognosis of six months. The cause of his illness was
exposure to asbestos on pipe lagging in naval ships as he was in the navy
just after the war.
We treated him with a cancer vaccine, dietary approaches and a range of
immuno stimulatory medications. He has been in remission for four and a half
years and is clinically completely healthy.

Case 3:
Mrs JMI age 74

Carcinoma of the breast with widespread bony secondaries with a great deal
of pain. She has been treated with immuno stimulatory mushroom
preparations from China, high dose intravenous vitamin C, diet and some
acupuncture. Her pain has disappeared. She is clinically well and healthy.
She is currently in remission.

Case 4:
Mrs EO age 62

This was a lady who had been smoking all her life. She came to see us with a
prognosis of three months. She had a large carcinoma at the base of the
tongue which was invading the right side of the neck. She was a radiotherapy
failure, and was inoperable. We treated her with high dose intravenous
vitamin C, intravenous B17, a range of dietary approaches and a dendritic cell
therapy vaccine. She lived with good quality of life for eighteen months at
which time she died.

Case 5:
Mr BG age 56

Carcinoma of the right lung with brain secondaries. This man came to see us
with a prognosis of two months. His tumour was inoperable and he had had
multiple courses of chemotherapy with no clinical effect whatsoever. When he
came to see us he walked on two sticks. We treated him with intravenous
B17, intravenous vitamin C, dietary approaches, nutritional medicine and
immune stimulants. Within six weeks he was able to walk without sticks. In
three months he was able to go on a cruise with his wife. He lived for a year
following treatment and then died.
Case 6:
Mr BT age 63

Diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma in 2001 with lung and bone secondaries. No
chemotherapy or radiotherapy was offered. He was started on an anti-cancer
diet with immune boosting treatments, angiogenesis inhibitor, a three week
course of intravenous vitamin C. Several weeks later a chest x-ray showed
disappearance of his lung secondaries. Also the kidney primary tumour had
shrunk to the stage where surgical removal of the kidney was possible and
this was successfully performed. Radiotherapy was then used for the
remaining bony deposits. Since that time he has been fit and well with no
signs of a recurrence.

Case 7:
Male age 50

Diagnosed with mesothelioma in 2001. No conventional treatments offered
except pleurodesis. He started an anti-cancer diet, an intensive regime of
multinutrients, B17 and C-statin (angiogenesis inhibitor). He also had a two
week course of high dose intravenous vitamin C and a further two week.
course of intravenous B17 with a repeated course of high dose vitamin C. He
has had substantial improvements in his blood tests to measure his immune
status since that time, and is clinically doing well sixteen months on. This
patient is in remission.
We do not claim to cure anybody, we simply put them into remission. If a
patient has been in remission for more than ten years then we might claim a
cure, but not until that has happened.

Dr Julian Kenyon
3 May 2002


Members of the isa board of trustees, mr

Members of the ISA Board of Trustees, Mr. Eduardo Ong, Mr. Oscar Co, Parents of the Preschool Learners, ISA Facilitators, Preschool Learners, ISAers, Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Good afternoon. Philosophers differ in explaining the world, but the problem is how to change the world. As educators, we disdain to conceal our fervent intention to mold the mind and soul of the next generations accord


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