Management: Part I—Behaviour change, diet, and activity
Alison Avenell, Naveed Sattar and Mike Lean
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This is the third article in the series ABC of obesity Management: Part I—Behaviour change, diet, and activity Alison Avenell, Naveed Sattar, Mike Lean
In the United Kingdom over 22% of the adult population isnow obese, with multiple health problems related to a bodymass index—weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in metres)squared—of 30 or higher. In England the national serviceframeworks for diabetes and coronary heart disease highlightthe importance of helping patients who are obese. Peoplecontinue to gain weight until their 50s and 60s, so 30-40% ofolder people will be obese, with chronic disease, mobilityproblems, and depression aggravated by obesity.
Obesity needs to be managed like any other chronic
disease—with empathy and a non-judgmental professionalattitude. Helping people to manage their weight is difficult andcan be discouraging and time consuming for healthprofessionals.
High relapse rates, apparent lack of effectiveness, and lack of
training and resources are major obstacles. However, an
Achievable weight change (95% confidence intervals) from
increasing evidence base exists for the effective management of
meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials in adults
obesity. And resources for health professionals are also nowavailable. Weight change (kg) at 1-3 years Resources for health professionals
x (National Obesity Forum)
x (Dietitians in Obesity Management UK)
x (Association for the Study of Obesity)
x = 296567 (draft guidance from
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence) (accessed 1
For people who are obese, long term low fat diets—together
with increased physical activity and strategies to help modify
their lifestyle—may prevent type 2 diabetes in those with
impaired glucose tolerance and improve the control of
hypertension and type 2 diabetes. These health benefits are
seen with surprisingly small weight losses—5-10% sustained
over a year or more, well within achievable goals for weight loss
and despite some weight regain over subsequent years.
General strategies for helping a patient with a weight
problem include agreeing an individual, realistic, weight loss
goal, such as 5-10% over three to six months. Achieving this
goal can help motivate success. Aim for weight loss initially,
Data from Avenell et al (see Further Reading box).
followed by a distinct strategy for weight maintenance. Provideongoing support and positive feedback; this can be provided ina group setting.
A careful history can provide useful information for weight
Important factors to evaluate in patient’s history
management. Weight, height, body mass index, and waist
x Is the weight problem recent or longstanding (for example, since
circumference (plus cardiovascular risk factors if indicated)
should be documented regularly—changes in strategy can be
x Consider the patient’s successful and unsuccessful attempts at
used to help to motivate the patient.
losing weight and establish what he or she thinks about them
x What is the patient’s attitude to smoking? For example, he or she
may not be interested in stopping smoking because they may feel
Aims and success criteria
x How does the patient feel about illness and medication? For
The emphasis for “obesity treatment” used to be on weight loss.
example, he or she may relate weight gain to inadequate thyroxine
But, as identified in the 1996 Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines
replacement, that weight gain is associated with depression
Network guideline, weight loss is only one element in weight
x Is there a family history of weight problems? Does the patient’s
x Does the patient believe that their medical, social, or psychological
Weight loss (short term, three to six months)
Weight maintenance (long term, more than six months)
x What is the patient’s motivation for weight loss or stability?
Successful weight management does not necessarily have to
For effective weight loss, energy intake must be reduced
mean weight loss. It can also reflect weight maintenance in
and physical activity increased
somebody who in the past has gained weight.
In general, the diet and lifestyle strategies to achieve weight
For weight maintenance, physical activity is possibly the
loss, weight maintenance, and improved risk factors are the same. most important element, but evidence from, for
There may be individual variations in responses to individual
example, the national weight control register, shows that the best results come from continued, cognitive,
components—for example, lower fat or lower carbohydrate diets,
restriction of energy (especially fat) together with increased physical activity Behavioural change
The key elements to successful behavioural change are frequent
contact and support. Group counselling does not seem less
Concern expressed by patient or health professional regarding weight
effective than individual counselling for long term weightchange. Weight loss clubs may be helpful, but evidence is
limited. For some people, however, initial individual counsellingmay be needed, and groups may not be beneficial—for example,
BMI ≥30 or ≥28 with obesity related disease
for men needing support but whose local group comprises
mainly women. If possible, immediate family or key friendsshould be involved. Beneficial behavioural changes may have
knock-on effects for other members of the family.
Weight loss plans move through various stages:
precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action,
maintenance, and often relapse. Patients need help to make
plans with achievable goals—unrealistically high goals for
Provide health promotion information and reasons for change
weight loss lead to disappointment. The goals can be reviewedover time, with a graded approach to changing habits.
Commonly used techniques, such as self monitoring,
Review readiness to change at follow-up appointments
identifying internal triggers for eating, and creation of copingstrategies, can help with behaviour change. There is evidence
If patient not ready for change provide option for
patient to come back and join programme at own request
that these techniques aid weight loss and maintenance. Theyhave been incorporated into a successful model for weight
Refer to local obesity management programme
management in primary care in the UK—the Counterweightprogramme. This programme achieved weight loss results
A possible pathway for starting weight management to provide support
similar to those achieved by the Diabetes Prevention Program
appropriate to the stage. Adapted from Counterweight programme (see
Group (see Further Reading box) for those who completed the
Further Reading box)
Prompts or reminders can be used to help to build better
habits. A lapse presents an important opportunity to plan howto deal with the experience next time. Rewards should be
Examples of commonly used behaviour modification
planned, and evidence of benefit—in terms of reduction in
cardiovascular risk factors or in changes in clothing size—can be
helpful. It is important to help to build self esteem and avoid
approach Techniques
criticism. A diary of food intake and physical activity can
Daily diary (time of eating, type and amount of food,
prompt discussion about situations that led to a particular
thoughts and feelings, physical activity); personalised
behaviour, so that strategies can be planned.
5-10% weight loss targets; weight monitoring charts
Web based resources are available for patients, and a Haynes
Patient to identify and record external and internal
manual (Banks I. HGV man manual. Yeovil: Haynes, 2005) has
triggers for eating; negotiate goals (for example, if eats
been produced specifically to help men to lose weight.
when worried or stressed, to make list of alternative,relaxing activities)
Negotiate goals (such as avoid watching television or
Web based resources for patients to help with weight control
Realistic weight loss expectations of 5-10% discussed
x (online food retailer and diet club)
at first appointment; achievable dietary and activity
x (organisation of state registered dietitians
goals set in collaboration with patient; patient
encouraged to challenge self defeating thoughts with
positive thoughts; patient discouraged from using
x (Walking the Way to Health Initiative—aims to get
words such as “always” and “never”
more people walking in their own communities)
Patient learns how to read food labels; patient learns
x (gives tips and programmes for
Patient encouraged to plan in advance how to prevent
x (The Obesity Awareness and Solutions
lapses; management of cravings discussed; patient
Trust—campaigning charity offering a help and information line via
encouraged to generate list of coping strategies for
phone or email; online chat rooms and forum facilities)
Dietitians with skills in weight management can give advice andsupport to general practices, including information for patients. Diets partly work by imposing a regular regimen. Regular mealtimes, and the need for breakfast, are important. People whoskip meals early in the day often more than make up for thislater in the day. Shift workers have particular problems, so it isimportant to help the patient make his or her own plan.
Snacking or grazing is best discouraged, but low energy
snacks must be available when snacking is unavoidable. Reducing portion sizes, using portion controlled foods(including meal replacements) and limiting the size of platesused may all be helpful. Patients should be advised to avoidhaving tempting, high energy foods at home, to shop when theyare not hungry, and to use a shopping list.
A diary of food intake is a useful starting point for making
Some patients may find that alcohol accounts for a much larger energy intake than they expected. Alcohol can also encourage some people to eat
changes. This may be particularly useful for patients who claim
to be unable to lose weight despite eating virtually nothing. Adiary may help them to see that they eat more than theythought and is useful for looking at triggers to overeating.
New diets appear in the media and on the bookshelves all
the time and it can be difficult to counter this barrage. Key principles for a successful diet
Consistent evidence shows that a long term, low fat diet
x Include a variety of foods from the main food groups
produces long term weight loss and beneficial changes in lipids,
blood glucose, glycaemic control, and blood pressure. Typically,
x Reduce the proportion of fat, particularly saturated fat
such a diet would have a deficit of 500-600 kcal/day below the
x Partially replace saturated fat with monounsaturated fat (such as
current requirement for energy balance, leading to a weight
olive oil) or omega 3 polyunsaturated fats
reduction of 0.5 kg a week. A low fat diet can be consistent with
x Increase intake of fruit and vegetables to at least five portions a day
x Ensure that meals include wholegrain and high fibre foods, and
providing low glycaemic index foods, as in diets that focus on
eating foods with a low glycaemic index. Such a diet provides
the best chance for a long term change to healthy eating habits,
with protection against chronic diseases such as cancer and
x Follow a structured meal plan that starts with breakfast
heart disease. Low energy meal replacements may be helpfulfor some patients, but palatability can be a problem.
Very low energy diets may produce better initial weight
loss—which might improve motivation—but long term, theweight loss achieved in this way is rarely any greater than the
Beans on toast, fruit, and porridge are all useful
loss achieved with low fat diets. Rapid weight loss may
standbys for low energy meal replacements—and they
occasionally be required, however (for example, to allow surgery
are all easily available and tasty
Low carbohydrate, Atkins-type diets (diets that focus on
eating mostly protein, with small amounts of carbohydrate) areeffective in the short term but less so after a few months. Shortterm side effects include headache, constipation, halitosis fromketosis, and fatigue. Longer term effects on disease risks havebeen little studied for these diets. Low carbohydrate diets lead todeterioration of some parts of the lipid profile—for example,low density lipoprotein cholesterol—but improvements in highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, and glycaemiccontrol. Short term use is unlikely to be harmful and can be astarting point for the otherwise poorly motivated patient. Physical activity
Patients should be encouraged to reduce their inactivity ratherthan “do more exercise,” which for some people may have
Concerns have been raised that diets focusing long term on eating mostly
negative connotations of team sports and “going to the gym.”
protein with small amounts of carbohydrate may increase the risk of
Weight loss and long term weight maintenance will be
osteoporosis and kidney stones (above)
improved if activity levels can be increased. Step counters maybe useful to set daily targets, but their value is unclear. As well asits effect on weight loss, increased physical activity hasadditional benefits for cardiovascular risk factors, insulin
Keeping physically active helps people to curb excess
resistance, and depression and also limits the loss of lean tissue
appetite and avoid situations that prompt eating BMJ VOLUME 333 7 OCTOBER 2006
Patients who have previously been inactive must decide and
Department of Health recommendations on physical activity
plan for themselves how to incorporate more physical activity
for adults*
into their current lifestyle—for example, less sitting and morestanding, less television, walking some of the way to work,
x Thirty minutes of at least moderate activity on at least five days a
gardening, and cycling. Walking initiatives in the patient’s area
x For many people, 45-60 minutes of moderate activity a day may be
may be useful ( Patients may think that they
have to go to exercise classes, but this may be unrealistic for
x People who have been obese and have managed to lose weight may
their current activity levels and lifestyle. Other people may
need to do 60-90 minutes of activity daily to maintain weight loss
x Recommended levels of activity may be obtained in one session or
enjoy attending organised classes and the peer support this
as bouts of activity of 10 minutes or more
provides. Recording physical activity in a diary can be used in
x The activity can be “lifestyle” activity (such as walking, cycling,
much the same way as a diet diary. Patients may find it difficult
climbing stairs, hoovering, mowing lawn), structured exercise, or
to attain the levels of moderate activity recommended initially,
but this should be the long term goal. Although the
* (accessed 1 Aug 2006)
Department of Health’s recommended goals for physicalactivity clearly reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease forpeople who are overweight and obese, they are not sufficient tocounteract all the ill effects of obesity. Further reading and resources
Helping someone to change their behaviour to prevent or
x Avenell A, Broom J, Brown TJ, Poobalan A, Aucott L, Stearns SC, et
reduce obesity requires a flexible approach tailored to that
al. Systematic review of the long-term effects and economic
individual, with encouragement when, inevitably, setbacks occur.
consequences of treatments for obesity and implications for healthimprovement. Health Technol Assess 2004;8(21).
The authors thank Karen Allan for reviewing a previous draft of thearticle. The cycling photograph is published with permission from Dennis
x Costain L, Croker H. Helping individuals to help themselves. Proc
MacDonald/Alamy. The illustration of a drinking party is Heurigen Party,Vienna by Rudolf Klingsbogl, published with permission from Vienna’s
x Diabetes Prevention Program Group. Reduction in the incidence of
type 2 diabetes with lifestyle intervention or metformin. N Engl JMusical Sites (1927). The photograph of the kidney stone is published with
permission from Stephen J Kraemer/SPL.
x National Obesity Forum. Managing obesity in primary care
Alison Avenell is a Chief Scientist Office career scientist at the Health
Services Research Unit, School of Medicine, at the University of
x Obesity training courses for primary care (from
x Prochaska JO, DiClemente CC, Norcross JC. In search of how
people change: applications to addictive behaviours. Am Psychol
The ABC of Obesity is edited by Naveed Sattar
([email protected]), professor of metabolic medicine, and
x Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network. Obesity in Scotland:
Mike Lean, professor of nutrition, University of Glasgow. The series
integrating prevention with weight management.
will be published as a book by Blackwell Publishing in early 2007. (accessed 12 Jul 2006).
x Counterweight Project Team. A new evidence-based model for
Competing interests: In the past five years, Alison Avenell has received one
weight management in primary care: the Counterweight
fee for speaking from Roche Products UK, the manufacturer of orlistat.
programme. J Hum Nutr Diet 2004;17:191-208.
For series editors’ competing interests, see the first article in this series. Several grateful patients
In 1958 I served my national service as the sole anaesthetist in
central table engrossed in a game of pontoon, which the British
the British military hospital at Kluang, Malaya. In this region
had taught the communists. Most of the British soldiers were
groups referred to as “communist terrorists” had frequent
young national servicemen who were looking forward to
skirmishes with British patrols. The wounded British were treated
returning to Britain. They held no animosity towards these new
at our hospital, whereas the wounded terrorists were taken to the
arrivals. The communists became well behaved, polite, and
civilian hospital in Kluang, but most were killed by knife attack on
cooperative patients, appreciative of the care and trust shown to
Shortly after my arrival the British authorities extended a
When these patients were ready for discharge and told they
goodwill gesture to the civilian hospital by offering army medical
could go they were unbelieving. They stated that they would be
specialist services for their problem cases. Complying with this
rearmed and ordered to fight again, and, after all our kindness,
they did not want to fight us. We commented that we had ethical
After the next skirmish we treated the wounded British and
responsibilities for their treatment while in our care, but what
admitted them to our acute surgical ward. We then received our
they did after leaving hospital was their own choice.
first referrals from the civilian hospital—five wounded
After our care of these first patients we noticed a progressive
communists. All required general anaesthetics. They were
decrease in hostilities. We continued to treat diminishing
uncommunicative, resentful, and only reluctantly accepted
numbers of wounded, and hostile activity ceased within three
treatment. Postoperative care was only available in our single
months of this first event. Our care and treatment of enemy
acute surgical ward, so, with some misgivings, the surgeon and I
wounded produced grateful patients. This, and the knowledge
sent them to the same ward as the British soldiers, but for review
that the British intended to withdraw once hostilities ceased,
resulted, I believe, in aggression ending earlier than expected inthis region.
The commanding officer, horrified at the non-segregation,
hurried to the ward the next day, expecting the worst. Instead, he
Duncan I Campbell retired anaesthetist, Sydney, Australia
found all those who could leave their beds seated around the
Menopause International 2012; 18: 87–89. DOI: 10.1258/mi.2012.012011Menstruation and mental health:what’s the chance of talking about that?When asked to write this piece my first thought wasnormal and it would settle, so agreed to another injec-where will I begin? I feel its best to start from where I amtion. The bleeding did not stop and the depressiontoday and work backwards. Today I a
Moralized Discourses: South Africa’s Intellectual Property Fight for Access to AIDS Drugs Moralized Discourses: South Africa’s Intellectual Property Fight for Access to AIDS Drugs In 1997, the South African government passed the South AfricanMedicines and Related Substances Control Act Amendments in order toaddress the problems associated with delivering AIDS medication to themillio