8272 Moss Landing Road Moss Landing, CA 95039 EDUCATION
BA Biology Truman State University, Kirksville, MO Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, CA Research in phycology and community ecology
Oregon Institute of Marine Biology, Charleston, OR Graduate coursework in Marine Ecology and Animal Behavior RESEARCH EXPERIENCE
2002 - present MS Thesis, Moss Landing Marine Labs, Moss Landing, CA
"Effects of Egregia menziesii on intertidal algal assemblages" 2002 - present Research Assistant, Moss Landing Marine Labs, Moss Landing, CA Sorting invertebrates from benthic samples (Dr. Stacy Kim PI), Start up and design of new Phycology Lab, assisted in design and building of algal culture room, started herbarium database for museum (Dr. Mike Graham PI), Collected and analyzed fisheries data for Catch per Unit Effort project (Dr. Rick Starr PI), Search for invasive algal and invertebrate species in SF Bay/Delta (Rusty Fairey PI), Collected and analyzed current data to monitor Mercury input to the SF Bay/Delta for CALFED (Mark Stephenson PI) 2003 – present Researcher, Moss Landing Marine Labs, Moss Landing, CA “Reproductive potential of drifting kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera)” (Dr. Gustavo Hernandez PI) Research Assistant, XenoTech, LLC, Kansas City, KS Cell culture media preparation, maintained lab inventory by ordering and checking in chemicals and supplies, maintained cell culture lab and equipment, cell culture of primate liver cells, human liver cut-up from organ donors, part of moving committee that coordinated move of laboratory and office facilities Independent Research, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO "Light induced inhibition of Myxococcus xanthus development" Lab Assistant, Microbiology Lab, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO Preparation and inoculation of media, day to day lab maintenance Research Assistant, Truman State University "Genetic variation of Echinacea pallida" (Dr. Lisa Hooper PI) Prepared genetic samples and filed native plant species for herbarium

Field Skills: California boater certified, Master and Scientific diver certified, CPR and First Aid
certified, California defensive driver certified, algal and invertebrate and vertebrate identification,
ecological sampling techniques, acoustic tracking, GPS, ADP, YSI, Water Quality.
Laboratory Skills: Sterile technique, GLP, Microscopy, Fluorometry, Genetic Analysis
techniques, Cell culture, image analysis, media preparation.
Computer Skills: Proficient with PC and Macintosh Operating Systems, Microsoft
Access/Word/Excel/Power Point, Adobe Photoshop, Canvas, Image J, Systat, SPSS, Endnote,
RiverSurveyor, View Argonaut, and website design and maintenance.


Designing lectures for Marine Botany class 2004 - present Teaching Assistant, Moss Landing Marine Labs, Kelp Ecology and Marine Teacher Enhancement Program, teaching high school students marine biology
Hernandez, G.C., B. Hughes and M. Graham. 2006. Reproductive longevity of drifting kelp
Macrocystis pyrifera (Phaeophyceae) in Monterey Bay, USA. In review: J. Phycology.


Truman State University Tri Beta meeting April 2001
Truman State University Undergraduate Research Symposium April 2002, poster
Missouri Academy of Sciences April 2002, poster
Northwest Algal Symposium April 2005, poster
Western Society of Naturalists November 2005, presentation


Americorps Academic Scholarship, August 2001
David and Lucile Packard Foundation Grant for research, 2005
PADI Foundation Grant for research, 2005
Earl and Ethel Meyers Foundation Grant for research, 2005
2nd place Student Poster Award, Northwest Algal Symposium 2005
Student Body Vice President, Moss Landing Marine Labs, 2002 - 2003.
Special Olympics basketball league coordinator, October 1996 to March 1997
American Heart Association volunteer, 1994 to 1997
Pre-Physicians Organization, August 1997 to September 1998
Americorps volunteer, May 2000 to August 2000
Teacher Enhancement Program, 2005-06
Varsity Tennis, Truman State University, Kirkville, MO, August 1997 to September 1998
Mike Graham, Assistant Professor of Biology, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, (831) 771-
4481, [email protected]

Mike Foster, Professor Emeritus, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, (831) 771-4435,
[email protected]

Elisabeth Hooper, Assistant Professor of Biology, Truman State University, (660) 785-4623,
[email protected]


27th EPS Conference on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Phys. Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 ECA Vol. 24B (2000) 1296-1299 Anodic double layer oscillations as a source for ion-acoustic waves V. Pohoata1, M. Cercek2, R. Schrittwieser, G. Popa1 Institute for Ion Physics, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstr. 25, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria 1Faculty of Physics, University Al. I. Cuza , Blvd. Carol I

Intestinal obstruction due to a colonic lipoma

Studia Medyczne Akademi ŒwiêtokrzyskiejMa³gorzata Nowak, Adam Kabza, Stanis³aw G³uszekZak³ad Chirurgi i Pielêgniarstwa KlinicznegoWydzia³ Nauk o Zdrowiu Akademi Œwiêtokrzyskiej w KielcachDyrektor: prof. dr hab. n. med. S. G³uszekNiepubliczny Zak³ad Opieki Zdrowotnej œw. Aleksandra w KielcachINTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION DUE TO A COLONIC LIPOMAT³uszczaki s¹ rzadkimi ³agodnymi guzami

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