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Zentrum für Abhängigkeitserkrankungen, PUK ZürichWer braucht eine medikamentöse Behandlung?• Schädlich resp. abhängig Konsumierende• Therapie auf Grund gesetzlicher Auflagen• Agonistische und Antagonistische Behandlung• Medikation zur Minderung des Cravings• „Reparative“ Pharmakotherapie, Protektive Pharmakotherapie, Medikamente für Begleit- • Verschiedene Vorunter


Date of the report: 07.05.2002 Report number: 12 Veterinary drugs in poultry and rabbit – secondary investigation Joint campaign by the cantons Basel Country and Basel City (main laboratory) Background Antibiotics are used in cattle, pigs and poultry to promote performance (faster growth and improved feed conversion) as well as in the prophylaxis and treatment of infectious diseases. W


Kost e n - ba t e n a n a lyse bij in t e gr a le ge bie dsv e r k e n n in ge n Sum m ary The m et hod used in t he decision- m aking process for t ransport infrast ruct ure t o syst em at ically ident ify social im pact s ( a social cost - benefit analysis as described in t he guidance docum ent on infrast ruct ure effect s ‘Overzicht Effect en I nfrast ruct uur’ – OEI ) is in pri

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FINANCIAL BID EuropeAid/126354/D/WKS/KE (re-tendering) SECTION 1: BILL OF QUANTITIES EuropeAid/126354/D/WKS/KE (re-tendering) PREAMBLE Tenderers must price each item in the bill of quantities separately and follow the instructions regarding the transfer of various totals in the summary. The bill of quantities must be read with all the other contract documents and the Contractor shal


Behandlung von Narben Was sind Narben? Narben sind Spuren von Verbrennungen, Trauma, Akne und chirurgischen Eingriffen, die auf unserer Haut zurückbleiben und Teil des natürlichen Heilungsprozesses des Körpers in Reaktion auf eine Verletzung des Körpers sind. Normalerweise stimuliert der Körper die Produktion von Kollagen in einer organisierten Matrix, um die Verletzung zu repariere


Neurodermitis im Kindesalter Die frühzeitige Therapie ist matchentscheidendMARC PLEIMES, PETER SCHMID-GRENDELMEIER, LISA WEIBEL, ZÜRICH Eine grundsätzliche Heilung der Veranlagung zur atopischen Derma- titis ist nicht möglich. Die genetische Disposition besteht lebenslang. Entgegen gängigen Vorstellungen bestehen weiterhin nur bei einem ekzematösen Entzündungsreaktionen.


IMMUNOMODULATORY THERAPY University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin USA I. Can We Evaluate the Immune System? A. Several common and uncommon skin diseases of companion animals are theorized to involve host immunodeficiency as at least part of the pathogenesis. Evaluation of immunologic function of the patient seems to be a logical clinical step. “Immunostimulatory” therapy has th

Ausgabe märz

Kleintierpraxis Kapellen Dr. Dirk Nösler Neusser Straße 24 Grevenbroich Punkt Tel. 02182 / 88 60 80 www.kleintierpraxis-kapellen.de Lesen Sie in dieser Ausgabe: √ Kein Zwinger – trotzdem Zwingerhusten √ Buchtipp: Grundschule für Vierbeiner √ Blick-Punkt: Überraschung im Garten √ Meerschweinchen: Achtung vor praller Sonne Permethrin: Fit


IMPORTANT LEGAL NOTICE - The information on this site is subject to a disclaimer and a copyright notice. (Free movement of goods - Medicinal products - Importation - Application for marketing authorisation under REFERENCE to the Court under Article 234 EC by the Oberverwaltungsgericht für das Land Nordrhein-Westfalen (Germany) for a preliminary ruling in the proceedings pending before that c


1 COMPREENSÃO DE TEXTO 1.1 Leia os textos 1.1a – 1.1h e responda às perguntas 1 – 25. Escolha para cada pergunta a resposta mais apropriada ao contexto. Marque com lápis as suas respostas no formulário de leitura ótica . 1.1a Licenciados emigram cada vez mais Portugal enfrenta uma vaga de emigração de dimensões semelhantes à da grande saída dos anos 60. Motiva


NATIONAL MEDICINAL PLANTS BOARD Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (Dept. of ISM &H) PROMOTIONAL AND COMMERCIAL SCHEMES Operational Guidelines for Financial Assistance PREAMBLE The Medicinal Plants Board was set up under a Government Resolution notified on 24th November 2000 under the Chairpersonship of Union Health & Family Welfare Minister. The objective

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Name: Lachmund, Hermann geb.: 1.3.1918 Fragestellung: Drogen/Medikamentenbeeinftussung Untersuchungsgut: Urin / Blut Auftrag vom: 17.8.11 UNTERSUCHUNGSBEFUND Voruntersuchungen des Urins mittels lmmunoassay (CEDIA-DAU) lieferten positive Befunde für: Benzodiazepine und Opiate (Morphinderivate) sowie negative Befunde für: Cannabinoide, Cocain-Metabolite, Methadon, Barbiturate sowie Amfetamin/Metam


Goda råd och tips för en lyckad kärleksrelation. Det kallas den tredje åldern. Den ålder man går in i när barnen är utflugna och man återigen får tid till sig själv och sin partner. mannens sexualitet rubbas skämtsamt brukar hon säga rar säkert den vid impotens, vilket inte är att hon som 40-talist tillhör till en lugnare pas med stora skuldkänslor för med hjälp av lo


S.O.A.P. NOTE DOCUMENTATION The SOAP Note method of patient information documentation is designed to be a systematic approach to documentation of pertinent medical information. A description of each component of the SOAP Note and several examples of SOAP Notes are noted below. Our use of the SOAP Note differs slightly from a true SOAP Note as used in the hospital environment. S: The


Ambassadör Maimo Henriksson: Hvordan vil Finland utøve sitt formannskap i Barentsrådet? Ärade statsråd, kära vänner av samarbete i nord, Allra först vill jag tacka konferensarrangörerna för inbjudan att komma hit till ett vintrigt Kirkenes och tala om samarbete i nord. Jag hoppas att min finlandssvenska är förståelig – i Norden och i ett forum med många norrmän och mina egna lan

Clinic panui

Health Clinic Panui Kia Ora Tatou K o k i r i M a r a e H a u o r a a n d S o c i a l S e r v i c e s By now we should all be feeling refreshed and moving into the me- dium/fast paced lane of life. We are almost into the first quarter of this year already. Some of us have chosen to take a new path and pace in life than that which exists at Kokiri Hauora and Social Ser- Feb

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DISPUTE RESOLUTION INTRODUCTION - THE FRAME WORK • India has a complex legal system and formal courts of law co-exist with litigant-friendly • There are civil and criminal courts to deal with civil and criminal matters. • Special tribunals also exist to deal with specialised areas and enactment issues. • Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods are also being used extensively

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The emergence of a clinical process: ‘Lifestyle medicine’ as a structured approach to the management of chronic disease. Garry Egger,1 Andrew Binns,2 Stephen Rossner 3 1 Garry Egger, MPH, PhD, Director; and Adjunct Professor Health Sciences, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW Centre for Health Promotion and Research, Sydney, NSW. 2. Andrew Binns AM BSc MBBS DROCG DA FA

Esther’s song

Note1: Everyone who does not have an official part should read the lines for the part "everyone". Note2: It is customary for everyone to boo and stamp their feet when Haman's name is mentioned. Similarly, people should cheer when Mordechai's name is mentioned. Purim Skit As we begin our story, the king of Persia has been holding a party with all of his buddies. He didn’t particular


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10 Great Inside Travel 10 great places for 'Best of Zest' cuisine $649+: 7-night Mediterranean cruise to Italy andSpain • Cruise.com Hot temperatures call for hot foods. Spice up what's left of summer with sultry, sizzling tastes, says Joel Gregory, $317+: Flight & 3-nt Vegas stay at center-Strip publisher of Chile Pepper magazine, which this month features c

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PRO LIFE NEWS (August 6th, 2012) St. Malachy Council 12540 Melinda Gates—All that Money and This is the Best You Can Come Up With? Melinda Gates and her partners, including the British government and the world’s largest abortion providers, have launched a $4 billion campaign to push birth control on poor women in Africa, Asia and Latin America. She claims that the key to reduc


Schwerpunkt: Steuerungen/ FOCUS: CONTROL SYSTEMS Kollmorgen Zielrufsteuerung LiftXpress Kollmorgen destination control LiftXpress Zielrufsteuerungen werden seit Jahren, vornehmlich in gewerblich genutzten Destination controls have been used for Gebäuden, eingesetzt. Hier kommt diese Technik, in der Regel, bei komplexen years, primarily in commercial y used Gruppen zum E

Kleine anfrage

BÜRGERSCHAFT DER FREIEN UND HANSESTADT HAMBURG Drucksache 20/3297 28.02.12 Schriftliche Kleine Anfrage der Abgeordneten Kersten Artus (DIE LINKE) vom 20.02.12 und Antwort des Senats EHEC ist zurück – was hilft wirklich gegen den gefährlichen Erreger? Die sechsjährige Sophie aus Hamburg-Blankenese hat ihre EHEC-Erkran-kung nicht überlebt. Derzeit gehen die Beh�


Bokföringsnämndens kommunsektion, 6.6.1997 10. Utlåtande om tillämpningen av bokföringslagen vid värderingen av omsättningstillgångar Begäran om utlåtande En samkommun för ett sjukvårdsdistrikt har centrallager, läkemedelslager och kantinlager bland sina omsättningstillgån-gar. I centrallagret hålls vård- och andra konsumtionsförnödenheter. Det sammanlagda lagerv�



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Informations concernant le traitement par laser CO2 fractionné Le traitement consiste à réaliser l'abrasion partielle sous forme de petits trous d'une zone cutanée en général localisée sur le visage à l'aide d'un laser ablatif appelé CO2. Indication esthétique : vieillissement cutané (rides, taches brunes) Indications médicales : cicatrices rouge d’acné par l'intermédi


Servitude of Russia The historical information: The servitude - is literally from the Arabian language means the receipt, the obligation. It is known in Russia since 14 centuries and has figurative sense - oppression, dependence. Russian Judaism - Russian Judaism the heresy or the Novgorod-Moscow heresy connected to penetration Judaism in Orthodoxy,is known in Russia from 14-15 cent

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One the other hand, however, Stiegler’s philosophical enterprise can also be seen as a continuation of the project of critical theory, of its social cri-tique, its critique of political economy and its critique of the culture in-dustry. This can be identified as the ‘Marxist’ strand of his work. Most ‘THIS SYSTEM DOES NOT PRODUCE PLEASURE ANYMORE’ remarkably, it is on the basis of hi

Poster abstracts

Cephalalgia Abstracts of the European Headache and Migraine Trust International Congress 2008not such that treatment choices should be based primarily on (Topamax®) on frequency and intensity of chronic migraine tolerability. They are better based on efficacy. (CM) episodes. Methods In this single-center, double-blind trial, patients received either BoNTA, maximum 200 U at baseline an

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Kent surrey and Sussex LRC Championship Show April 1st 2012 Dog Judge: Mrs Sheelin Cuthbert (Ballyduff) Bitch Judge: Mr Jan Roger Sauge (Mambrinos) Norway Dog CC & Best In Show - Sh Ch Fullwell Fly High To Halshimoor Res Dog CC – Fullwell Fair Trade with Halshimoor Bitch CC, Res BIS & BOS – Mardas Vintage Silk JW Bitch Res CC – Blueveil Blastoff Best Puppy – Flossf

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Futter und Futtermanagement Richtiges Futter in der richtigen Menge zur richtigen Zeit ist die halbe Diabeteseinstellung. Das beste Insulin bewirkt keine guten Zuckerwerte, wenn falsch gefüttert wird. Zum Futter : Bei diabetischen Katzen füttert man proteinreich, moderat Fett, wenig Kohlenhydrate. Diätfutter sind nicht zwingend notwendig. Trockenfutter sollte man vermeiden, es enth�

Science magazine

THE HIV PANDEMIC REMAINS A GREAT GLOBAL HEALTH CHALLENGE. WITH AN ESTIMATED 33.3 million people living with HIV today, is there really hope of achieving the vision of an AIDS-free generation? Optimists argue that strong political will and generous funding are the essential elements. But skeptics point to the deep-seated structural inadequacies in many health care systems, especially in Africa,

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1. Wilke A, Wende C, Horst M, Steverding D: Thrombosis of a prosthetic mitral valve after withdrawal of phenprocoumon therapy. Cardiol Res 2011 (in print) 2. Diepholz D, Wilke A, Maisch B, Steverding D: Demonstration of TGF- β and XIII α in Endocardial Biopsies of Carcinoid Heart Disease Patients: an Immunofluorescence Study. Cardiol Res 2011;2(3):119-122 3. Wilke A, Steverding D: Does the C

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WorstPills.org - Swine Flu: Important Advice from WorstPills.org Swine Flu: Important Advice from WorstPills.org As of the end of April 2009, swine flu (H1N1) had sickened almost 100 people in the UnitedStates. While it’s normal to be anxious about the spread of this disease, taking medications toprevent or treat the disease without having a full understanding of the medications’ side eff


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O R I G I NA L A R T I C L E The Effect of a Comprehensive Lifestyle Modification Program on Glycemic Control and Body Composition in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Ji-Soo Yoo1, PhD, RN, Suk-Jeong Lee2*, PhD, RN, Hyun-Chul Lee3, MD, 1Professor, College of Nursing, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea 2Full-time Instructor, Red Cross College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea 3Professor, Colleg


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Einschätzung des Robert Koch-Instituts zur Situation der Schweinegrippe Stand 27.04.2009, 09:00 Uhr In den USA sind 20 Fälle von Schweine-Influenza A/H1N1 beim Menschen entdeckt worden: New York 8 Fälle, Kalifornien 7 Fälle, Texas 2 Fälle, Kansas 2 Fälle, Ohio 1 Fall. Die Symptomatik dieser Fälle ist ähnlich wie bei saisonaler Influenza; ein Patient wurde im Krankenhaus behandelt,

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APPENDIX TO CHAPTER 20—Saving Sheila’s tear. SHEILA’S PARADISE (February 28, 2014) The parting tear that’s affecting my guilt-- It has been eight months since Sheila passed (June 20th 2013). Her final moments were as follows: Lying motionless on the bed, seemingly unable to move, there were several short efforts to fill the lungs--as if for a failed heart. After the first f


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Pharmaceutical Law & Industry Report® Reproduced with permission from Pharmaceutical Law & Industry Report, 10 PLIR 294, 03/02/2012. Copyright ஽2012 by The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (800-372-1033) http://www.bna.comAntitrust Issues That Arise in ANDA DisputesBY PAULA L. BLIZZARD, ASIM M. BHANSALI, ANDasserts monopolization offenses under federal law—Section 2 of the Sher


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MEDICATION POLICY Medications affect the way your body and mind function. Every medication, whether prescribed, over the counter or “natural”, changes your chemistry, at least temporarily, or may have permanent harmful effects. The treatment we have recommended aims to balance many factors including your preferences and concerns, the severity or your condition and symptoms, the consequence


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AP Statistics: Chapter 12.2: Inference for TWO ProportionsIn two-sample problems, we want to compare responses ot two independent samples. In chapter 11, we compare two means using a two-sample t procedures. In chapter 15, we will compare two standard deviations using an F statistic. In a two-sample proportion problem (this section) we want to compare two populations or the responses of two

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THE ROLE OF MARKETING Once a new drug application (NDA) or biologic license application (BLA) is submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the marketing role in biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies becomes more apparent. The traditional roles of product, placement, price and promotion become central to the success of the launch; it typically takes 12-18 months of pl

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Lähdejulkaisu: Kuriositeettikabi.net 2 / 2007. Tämä dokumentti on ladattu osoitteesta Source publication: Kuriositeettikabi.net 2 / 2007. This document was downloaded from Tre somrar i museivärlden Marskalk Mannerheim föddes i det här rummet år 1867… och annat jag lärde mig på Vil näs slott under sommaren 2006 När jag jobbade som guide på Villnäs fungerade museet enligt princip

Algemene inleiding candida-syndroom

Algemene inleiding Candida-syndroom Door R. Nieuwenhuis RA, oprichter en voormalig directeur S.O.E. en drs. I.M. Koolsbergen, arts, free-lance medewerkster S.O.E. In deze reeks pagina's willen wij verslag doen van een onderzoek in de wereldliteratuur naar standpunten en behandelingswijzen van het candida-syndroom. In dit kader komt een aantal onderzoeksresultaten uit het brede wetenschapsgeb

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