"M" - Modern Medicine:

Ausstellerliste ostseemesse 2011_kurzversion

A. ARMSTARK Whirpools & Autohaus Dethloff Infrarotkabinen Erich Adam Warenhandelsgesellschaft Autotechnik-Horsch GmbH & Co. KG ADFC Landesverband Mecklenburg- Vorpommern e. V. Bacchus Weinhaus Graf Eltz GmbH Aktiv-Reise.Net(z) Badusan GmbH Aktivtouristik Rose Bärlauchbauer Alpina AG BaikalTours Sibirienreisen Niederlassung Ro

Microsoft word - frequently asked questions on mesotherap1-ii.docx

Frequently Asked Questions on Mesotherapy What is the di fference between advanced aesthetic Mesotherapy & traditional Mesotherapy? The traditional Mesotherapy technique invented by Dr. Pistor in the 1950’s uses drugs and the skin as a reservoir for a slow release of those drugs in the surrounding tissues. It is a very intelligent, useful and efficient alternative to other classical means of


The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available atwww.emeraldinsight.com/0828-8666.htmMarkfield Institute of Higher Education, Markfield, UK, andCentre for Islamic Banking, Finance and Management,University of Brunei Darussalam, Bander Seri Begawan, BruneiAbstractPurpose – As per Islamic business ethics, corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the businessorganizations

Microsoft word - 48-54ahmadlo.doc

Effect of Oral Sucralfate on Side Effects of External Radiation Therapy in Patients with Head and Neck Cancer Background: Early side effects of irradiation for head and neck cancers are very common and disturbing. These events may cause a transient disruption in the treatment course. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of sucralfate on radiation side effects. Patients


“VOI CHE CERCATE?” RISPONDENDO ALLA CHIAMATA DI GESÙ In questo stiamo affrontando e meditando a fondo su quanto sia importante il discepolato, ovvero che la nostra vita sia trasformata e che noi seguiamo realmente Cristo Gesù, questo è il discepolato, la ricerca di una vita rinnovata. La nuova nascita è ciò che fa la differenza tra vivere unicamente una religione cristiana, e


Mexicaanse griep / Nieuwe Influenza A (H1N1) Versiedatum: 25 augustus 2009 Deze patiëntenbrief is bedoeld als ondersteuning van het consult door de huisarts. De huisarts geeft de brief mee aan patiënten met de betreffende ziekte of aandoening. De informatie dient niet als vervanging van een consult door de huisarts. Bedenk bij het lezen dat uw gezondheidssituatie anders kan zijn dan

Microsoft word - maggio 2006_bis.doc

Dialogo con il cittadino MAGGIO 2006 LA DEPRESSIONE IN MEDICINA GENERALE La depressione è uno dei principali problemi di salute pubblica. Negli ultimi anni si è assistito ad un’attenzione sempre maggiore ed ad un crescente coinvolgimento del medico di famiglia nella gestione dei pazienti con disturbi depressivi. Infatti, un’indagine condotta recentemente a Verona ha ripo

Diretrizes diocesanas da renova o carism tica cat lica

APRESENTAÇÃO As DIRETRIZES da RENOVAÇÃO CARISMÁTICA CATÓLICA (RCC), fruto de estudo, reflexão, oração e discernimento, querem servir de orientação aos que fazem parte da estrutura da RCC na Diocese de São José dos Campos, e a todos que, de alguma forma, coordenam, executam e acompanham as atividades da RENOVAÇÃO no âmbito de Diocese, região pastoral e paroquial. Os OBJ

Microsoft word - gp management of mnd - final version spring 09.doc

THE MANAGEMENT OF MND The role of the GP . It used to be stated that a GP might expect to see a maximum of one or two patients with MND during their professional lifetime. Now with large shared lists, exposure to and experience of this condition in primary care is probably more frequent, although it remains very uncommon. As such, it is entirely understandable that the index of suspicion


Efavirenz Marca comercial: Clase de medicamento: Inhibidor de la transcriptasa inversa no análogo El efavirenz, conocido también como EFV o Sustiva, es un tipo de antirretroviral llamado inhibidor de latranscriptasa inversa no análogo de los nucleósidos (NNRTI). Esta clase de medicamentos bloquea latranscriptasa inversa, una proteína que necesita el VIH para multiplicarse.


EmblemHealth Pharmacy Benefit Services 2013 Select Formulary Summary (Effective July 1, 2013) This is a list of the most commonly prescribed preferred drugs for members with the Select Formulary. Make sure to ask your doctor to prescribe generic drugs whenever appropriate; this may lower NOTE: Not all drugs listed are covered by all pharmacy benefit programs, so coverage is not guaranteed

MeritÍssimo juiz de direito da vara da fazenda pÚblica mu

ESTADO DE GOIÁS MINISTÉRIO PÚBLICO 82ª PROMOTORIA DE JUSTIÇA - CIDADANIA MERITÍSSIMO JUIZ DE DIREITO DA ____ VARA DA FAZENDA PÚBLICA MUNICIPAL DA COMARCA DE GOIÂNIA-GOIÁS. O Ministério Público do Estado de Goiás, pelo seu Promotor de Justiça, subscritor, em substituição processual a . , brasileiro, natural de Jaraguá-GO, nascido aos . dias do mês de junho de 1975,


Synthesis of Molecularly Imprinted Polymer for Selective Solid-Phase Extraction of Salbutamol from Urine Samples ALI MOHAMMADI*†, TAHER ALIZADEH‡, RASSOUL DINARVAND†,MOHAMMAD REZA GANJALI‡ and RODERICK B. WALKER§ Department of Drug and Food Control, School of Pharmacy Tehran University of Medical Sciences, P.O. Box: 14155-6451, Tehran 14174, Iran Fax: (98)(21)6461178; Tel: (98

No job name

J. Org. Chem. 1999, 64, 3778-3782 First Synthesis of Marine Sponge Alkaloid Niphatoxin B Alexander Kaiser,*,† Christian Marazano, and¨ r Pharmazie, Pharmazeutische Chemie I, Universita ¨ t Regensburg, D-93040 Regensburg, Germany In 1992, Talpir et al. reported the isolation andstructure elucidation of niphatoxins A ( 1 ) and B ( 2 ), two ichthyo- and cytotoxic (IC dine al


Deciphering the Drug Rules As we look forward to the 2011 competition season in Ontario, one that will have beautiful weather with no torrential rain or excessive humidity, it is a good time to have another look at the Equine Canada medication rules for our horses. This is not an article that provides everything you need to know in order to avoid a positive test but it does address some freque


Nature’s Promise™ Premium Foods for Rabbits, Guinea Pigs and Chinchillas Product Description ZuPreem® Nature’s Promise™ pel ets, made from Premium Western Timothy Hay, are formulated with no soy or wheat for healthier digestion in adult pet rabbits, guinea pigs and chinchil as. When fed with Nature’s Promise™ Western Timothy Hay, Alfalfa Hay or Orchard Grass, this food

Singulair - ct-6895

COMMISSION DE LA TRANSPARENCE SINGULAIR 4 mg, comprimé à croquer Boîte de 28 (CIP : 393 112-4) Boîte de 50 (CIP : 393 118-2) SINGULAIR 4 mg, granulé Boîte de 28 sachets-dose de 4 mg (CIP : 393 123-6) MSD - CHIBRET montélukast Code ATC : R03DC03 Liste I Date de l'AMM : 27 mars 2009 Motif de la demande : Inscription Sécurité Sociale et Collectivités Direction d


Sicherheitsdatenblatt gemäß 91/155/EWG 1 Bezeichnung des Stoffes/der Zubereitung und des Unternehmens · Angaben zum Produkt · Handelsname: RUCOLINOL Oelimprägnierung · Artikelnummer: OP250001, 88250001 · Verwendung des Stoffes / der Zubereitung Farbe · Hersteller/Lieferant: Rupf & Co AGFarben- u. LackfabrikEichstrasse

Skilled nursing care advance beneficiary notice

PATIENT REGISTRATION AND PROTECTED HEALTH INFORMATION PREFERENCES Have you applied for or are you eligible for Medicare? Other than you, your insurance company and healthcare providers involved in your care, whom can we talk with Relationship to Patient: □ Self □ Spouse □ ChildRelationship to Patient: □ Self □ Spouse □ Child PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: I hereby authorize rele


Mirena® 20 micrograms/24 hours intrauterine delivery group A streptococcal sepsis) can occur fol owing IUS system (levonorgestrel) - Prescribing Information insertion. If pelvic infection suspected bacteriological (Refer to full Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) examinations & monitoring is recommended, even with discrete symptoms. Start appropriate antibiotics & remove


25th Midwest Ecology and Evolution Conference Carbondale Civic Center, Carbondale IL March 11-13 2005 _______________________________________________________________________ POPULATION BIOLOGY / ECOLOGY RECORD 90 DAY SURVIVAL WITHOUT FOOD AND WATER BY ADULTS OF THE AMERICANSPIDER BEETLE, MEZIUM AFFINE Ark, J.T.1, Benoit, J.B.1, Rellinger, E.J.1, Yoder, J.A.1 and Keeney, G.D.21


Nutrition Volume 19, Numbers 11/12, 200316. Carpenter KC, Roberts S, Sternberg S. Nutrition and immune function: a 1992size, the place of residence of the subjects whether living at homeor in institutions, and the baseline status of the subjects. In several17. Sano M, Ernesto C, Thomas RG, et al. A controlled study of selegiline, alpha-studies, single nutrients were used. Zinc supplements c


PRATIQUE Les Infections Sexuellement Transmises Patrick Olombel Professeur associé de médecine générale : UFR Rouen Résumé : La recrudescence des Infections Sexuellement Transmises (IST) comme la gonococ- cie et la syphilis, en France et dans la plupart des pays occidentaux, témoigne d'une augmenta- tion des rapports non protégés. Une IST diagnostiquée précocement et donc t


The Florence Melton Adult Mini-School http://mcohen02.tripod.com/rhythms.html http://mcohen02.tripod.com/purim.htm Topic: Purim Key Idea: The festival of Purim , which derives its name from the word pur (lot), is celebrated on the 14th day of Adar. Cities that were walled in ancient times celebtrate a second day of Purim called Shushan Purim . The celebration of Pu


Psychopharmaka - Fluch oder Segen? Oft wird aus unterschiedlichen Gründen von Menschen die Behauptung aufgestellt, dass der LVPE Saar bzw. die organisierte Psychiatrie-Selbsthilfe in Deutschland grundsätzlich gegen Psychopharmaka sei. Richtig ist, dass die Einstellung der Mitglieder des LVPE Saar e.V. gegenüber Psychopharmaka sehr unterschiedlich ist und dies sich in den demokratisch gewäh


Optimal Parity Edge-Coloring of Complete GraphsDavid P. Bunde∗, Kevin Milans†, Douglas B. West‡, Hehui Wu§A parity walk in an edge-coloring of a graph is a walk along which each color is usedan even number of times. Let p(G) be the least number of colors in an edge-coloring ofG having no parity path (a parity edge-coloring). Let p(G) be the least number of colorsin an edge-coloring of

Faxable lrca 02.07

R E S T A U R A N T B R E W H O U S E G R E AT B E G I N N I N G S C H I C K E N L E T T U C E W R A P S C H I C K E N P OT S T I C K E R S Marinated chicken breast diced and sautéed with Pan-seared dumplings loaded with chicken, green onions,mushrooms, water chestnuts, celery, green onions, garlic andChinese yellow chives, ginger and garlic. Served with topped with crispy wont

Les médias - revue de presse

LES MEDIAS "A stupid's man report of what a clever man says is never accurate, because he unconsciously translates what he hears into something that he could understand." Bertrand Russell, History of Western Philosophy, p. 90. Routledge, London reprinted in 2005, ISBN 0415-32505-6 "Ce qu'un homme stupide rapporte de ce qu'a dit un homme intelligent n'est jamais fidèle, pa


Utilización de la Plataforma Moodle en conjunto con la enseñanza presencial Ana Maria Tocci (a), Evelina Ferrer (b) (a) Cátedra de Química (Área Correlación), Departamento de Química, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas 47 y 115, Grupo IMAPEC, Facultad de Ingeniería, 1 y 47, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina [email protected]


CVS Caremark Drug List Changes – Removal from Formulary – Rationale Effective January 2014 Note: This document is specific to the removal of drugs from the standard formulary for January 2014. This document does not address other drug list changes that are focused on non-preferred/preferred status changes. Changes will be made to the CVS Caremark standard formulary eff

Vibrione copia.ppt

• Anaerobi facoltativi, asporigeni,acapsulati• Tre importanti : V. cholerae, parahaemolyticus, vulnificus • 2 biotipi: O1, O139 responsabili del colera• - 6 gruppi in base all’Ag O ( O1-O139)• - 2 biotipi El tor, ed il Vibrio classico• Tossina colerica : Ipersecrezione di elettroliti e• Enterotossina accessoria del colera : esotossine• Patogenesi ed Immunità :


Risk communication: Why we need Not involving patients in important medical decisions is also understandable information ethically unjustifiable, as it is their health that is at stake. It is premature to give up on people’s ability toThis is particularly important as patients and physicians dounderstand health statistics. The example of the pill scarenot always have the same pre


Discharge Instructions Lower Extremity Bypass Surgery Activity  No lifting over 5 pounds (1/2 gallon of milk) for 2 weeks.  Slowing increase activity. Walk short distances on flat surfaces at first then increase distance as tolerated. Avoid exercising in extreme temperatures.  Leg swelling after bypass surgery is common and may occur for a few months after the s

Microsoft word - pcw ww e qa final.doc

INTERNATIONAL COFFEE ORGANIZATION WORK WELL – BENEFITS AT WORK QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS There is considerable literature on the effects of caffeine on performance. Coffee is the major source of caffeine for most people, which suggest that consumption of coffee will have beneficial effects. Q. How does coffee affect mental performance? A. Most of the research on this topic has

Microsoft word - 30 days to better leadership

We all want to become better leaders, because leadership is about making a real difference in the world. We don't want to just manage people. If a management course or a coach isn't in the budget and your company hasn't done 360-degree reviews in years, you still can improve. AZ magazine worked with leadership strategist, facilitator and coach Dean Newlund to create a special month-long program

Microsoft word - min jiang teas - july 2011.doc

A delicate tea with higher concentrations of antioxidants and lower levels of caffeine than other teas Silver Needle White Peony The rarest and most spectacular of the Fujian white teas, producing a glittering pale gold liquor with a delicate aroma Picked in Spring and then dried to halt oxidation Green Tea revives the body, aids digestion and lowers blood pressure Lions Peak Dragon Well One o


Product Name Composition/Strength Indication DERMATOLOGY NIMEGEN Soft Cap. Isotretinoin DERBISOL Solution CENTOES Cream DESONIA cream 0.5 mg Skin diseases in relation to hormone TERISON Cream 1 mg Relief of inflammatory & pruritic manifestations ofAl ergic inflammatory dermatoes : Eczema, Contact SIANAL Cream dermatitis, Atopic dermatitis, Intertrigo, Dermatiti


Mitsubishi Corporation Annual Report 2011< Two Groups Directly Under the President >Global Environment Business Development GroupThe fulcrum of the Global Environment Business Development manufacturing large-capacity lithium-ion batteries, which are vital Group is the infrastructure business, namely power generation for the uptake of eco-friendly


List of publication 2011-12 Name of the faculty Name of the Dendrimers: Novel Drug Nanocarriers A comparative study of estimation of Ascorbic acid by different methods in fresh fruit juices and marketed preparations A comparative study of conventional and microwave assisted synthesis of basic heterocyclic rings at undergraduate level Transdermal drug delivery system: Review Formulat


DRUGS FOR INFECTIONS Drugs for Malaria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PROGESTINS ----------------------------------------------- ANTIBIOTICS------------------------------------------------- Crinone (PA), Endometrin(PA), Makena(PA) Penicillins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ampicillin, amoxicillin, cloxacillin, dicloxacilli

General nutrition, weight loss, and wasting syndrome pdf

GENERAL NUTRITION, WEIGHT LOSS, AND WASTING SYNDROME KEY TO ABBREVIATED TERMS WITHIN GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION RECOMMENDATION: The clinician should ensure that patients with HIV-associated weight loss are receiving effective ARV therapy (see Chapter 4: Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Therapy ) . Significant weight loss negatively impacts a patient’s quality of life and se

Microsoft word - permerid 500 ec.doc

Product Name: Permerid 500 EC Insecticide Page: 1 of 5 This revision issued: February, 2010 SECTION 1 - IDENTIFICATION OF CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY United Phosphorus Ltd, Norwest Business Park, Bella Vista, NSW 2153 Substance: Trade Name: Permerid 500 EC Insecticide Product Use: Insecticide used in agricultural applications and timber treatment. Creation D


International Journal of COPD open access to scientific and medical researchClinical pathway for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: method This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: International Journal of COPD28 June 2011Number of times this article has been viewed Background: Randomized controlled trials, evidence-based medicine, clinical




McMillen Dental Group Patient Registration and Health History PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION If This Appointment is for you, Fill in the info below Date: ____________________________________ Name: _____________________________________ Spouse: ___________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________ City: ______


Current Immunology Reviews , 2005, 1, 81-90 Toll-Like Receptor Signaling: Emerging Opportunities in Human Diseases and Medicine Rabindra N. Bhattacharjee2 and Shizuo Akira*,1,21 Department of Host Defense, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University Japan 2 ERATO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 3-1 Yamada, Suita city, Osaka, 565-0871, Osaka, Japan Abstract:

Microsoft powerpoint - tamiflu_poster_revised.ppt

Determination of Tamiflu® and active metabolite in dried blood spots using the SCAPTM DBS system and column-switching LC-MS/MS Katja Heinig1, Thomas Wirz1, Franz Bucheli1, Werner Döbelin2 1 F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland 2 Prolab Instruments, Reinach, Switzerland Introduction Method optimization Recovery <70% → multi-elution+stacking on TCOseltamivir ph


der Leberzellen auf: In Zone l finden vor allem Glykolyse undHarnstoffzyklus statt, während Glukoneogenese, Arzneimittel-metabolismus und Glutamin-Synthetaseaktivität überwiegend inZone 3 erfolgen. Protein- und Fettstoffwechsel finden im gesam-Die Leber ist das größte parenchymatöse Organ des Körpers, ihrten Azinus statt. Die Leberzellen befinden sich in engem KontaktGewicht macht b


FLOWER HONEY (INDUSTRIAL USE) Complete natural multifloral honey with preservation of all valuable substances. Preparation of liquid crystal free honey: quick decrystalisation and filtration of the honey (200 microns) – immediate cooling down with aroma recuperation – filling into new recipients. The honey is ready for use as an ingredient in all kinds of food products. Guarantee of non-cr

Microsoft word - day-night instructions 2013 revised

® Maestro Stainless Smile® is a dentist administered tooth whitening system that results Some enamel stains may not respond to treatment. in whiter, healthier and younger looking teeth. Stainless Smile® tooth Yellow or brown teeth whiten more easily than grey teeth. whitening is manufactured by Maestro according to the strict requirements of ISO13485:2003 for Medical Devices. Some lo

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ceneje°^ jepÙe efJeÅegle efJelejCe kebâheve r ceÙee&efole Deewjbie yeeo he fjceb[U De wjbie yeeo. Old Power House Premises, Dr.Ambedkar Road, Aurangabad. Phone No.2336172 No,CGRF/AZ/R/69/2007/38/ Date :- To, The Executive Engineer ( Administration) O/O Superintending Engineer O&M Rural Circle, M.S.E.D.C.L., Aurangabad. Sub :- Forwarding of grievance in respect of


Eslövs Montessorifriskolas handlingsplan för att förebygga och förhindra kränkande behandling och mobbning 2012-2013 Långsiktiga mål: Vår verksamhet grundar sig på att alla elever ska  känna sig trygga i skolan och i skolans fritidshem  uppleva skolan och fritids som meningsfulla platser  trivas och känna glädje i skolan och på fritids Vår verksamhet gru


The Water Economics in the Middle East Main Problems and Possible Solutions Contents 4. Water situation in each of the area’s countries. 6 5. Understandings and Treaties regarding water in the Middle East. 22 6. Means of improving the water situation in the Middle East . 26 a) Methods of increasing the quantity of water that do not require cooperation between the sides. 27 b)

Los 5 actos lingsticos (searle)

ACERCA DEL LENGUAJE Este texto presenta algunas reflexiones acerca del lenguaje, que influyen en nuestro actuar profesional y que están en la base de la metodología del coaching ontológico. Estas reflexiones tienen que ver, como vamos a ir viendo a continuación, con la idea de que el lenguaje tiene el poder de crear realidades. EL LENGUAJE ES ACCIÓN Decimos que el lenguaje es acción


LIST OF PUBLICATIONS [updated: May 2013] [1] A. Remuzzi, B.M. Brenner, V. Pata, G. Tebaldo, R. Mariano, A. Belloro & G. Remuzzi, Three- dimensional reconstructed glomerular capillary network: blood flow distribution and local filtration , American Journal of Physiology 263 (1992), F562–F572 [2] A. Remuzzi, P. Ruggenenti, L. Mosconi, V. Pata, G. Viberti & G. Remuzzi, Effec

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Deze folder geeft u informatie over endoveneuze lasertherapie (EVLT) bij spataderen. Wat is precies EVLT en wanneer kan deze methode worden toegepast? Wat moet u weten met betrekking tot de voorbereiding en de nazorg? Wat is EVLT? EVLT staat voor endoveneuze lasertherapie. Met deze methode wordt een dun laserslangetje in een spatader gebracht, die vervolgens met behulp van laserenergi

Gemeinschaftspraxis radiologie

Dres. med. Halbsguth Lochner Köber Maier Lurz TIP Dr./Univ. Istanbul Bayar Die Qualität der Darmreinigung bestimmt mehr als alle anderen Folgeschritte die Güte des Untersuchungs-ergebnisses! ( Anti-Baby-Pille ). Bitte während der Vorbereitung nicht rauchen. Nahrungskarenz: Frühstück und Vormittag: striktes Essverbot . 2. Darmreinigung: Sie bitte eine

Web resouces template

Dr. Geoffrey J. Lloyd B.Sc. MBBS. LLB. FRCP. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Introduction Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic condition of the gastrointestinal tract. Its symptoms are abdominal pain and altered bowel habits with no identifiable cause. IBS is the most common gastrointestinal condition and affects 10 to 20 percent of people in the general population most of whom do

Microsoft word - bayer spd_revisions active changes accepted.docx

Prescription Drug Coverage For Members of: Blue Health &Savings Plan (Anthem BCBS Network) 80% PPO Plan (Aetna Network) If you are enrolled in a medical plan listed above, your prescription benefits will be provided through a CVS Caremark Drug Card Plan. Most prescription medications are covered under the Bayer prescription plan except the following:  Over-the-coun

Chocolate agar media rev 4.indd

TECHNICAL DATA SHEET #230 REV. 4 CHOCOLATE AGAR MEDIA (GC MEDIA BASE) SELECTIVE AND NONSELECTIVE PRODUCTS: Plated, Tubed, and Bottled Media :a P1950, P3600 (JEMBEC), P3602 (Pill-Pocket)Modifi ed, Modifi ed Thayer-Martin Agar (MMTM) Chocolate/Modifi ed Martin-Lewis Media (MMLM) PURPOSE: Chocolate Agar media are used for the isolation and cultivation of fastidious microorganisms

Asi quick reference guide

ASIFlex Quick Reference Guide Over-the-Counter Medicine As of January 1, 2011 , The Health Care Reform legislation has directed that many over the counter (OTC) medications will no longer be reimbursable with Flexible Spending Account funds, unless purchased in conjunction with a physician’s prescription. Following is a sample list of OTC medicine categories affected by these changes:


Ned Tijdschr Klin Chem Labgeneesk 2004; 29: 295-296 Direct measurement of lithium in whole blood using a capillary electrophoresis microchip E.X. VROUWE1, P. KÖLLING2, R. LUTTGE1 and A. van den BERG1 Introduction Receiving clinically relevant blood parameters evenBlood was obtained performing the finger stickfor off-chip cleaned up sample is a nontrivial analy-method on a volunteer us

Press release

News Release June 10, 2008 Merck Serono Strengthens Its Prescription Medicines Portfolio in Latin America • Merck Serono to commercialize portfolio of established pharmaceutical medicines from Bristol-Myers Squibb in Latin America Geneva, Switzerland, June 10, 2008 – Merck Serono, a division of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany, announced today the signing of a distributio


Environmental Management Unit, Monash University, NTRODUCTION DESIGN FOR THE SOUTH WEST SLOPES A design prepared in 1997 has been used to illustrateCommercial plantation forestry in Australia has beenthe concepts of analogue forestry. The property isfocused on producing timber products at minimal costlocated near Jindera on the southern margin of theand in the shortest time possible.

Microsoft word - medical methods.doc

This factsheet aims to explain medical methods of treatment for mental health problems. You will find descriptions of the various forms of treatment available. If you are considering or undergoing one of these treatments you will find information on what to expect from it, what it involves and how you can get the most from this type of help. Psychiatric drugs make up a quarter of all the medicat

020702 reduction in the incidence of type 2 diabetes

C o py r ig ht © 2 0 0 2 by t he Ma s s ac h u s e t t s Me d ic a l S o c ie t y V O L U M E 3 4 6 REDUCTION IN THE INCIDENCE OF TYPE 2 DIABETES WITH LIFESTYLE INTERVENTION OR METFORMIN DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM RESEARCH GROUP* ABSTRACT Background non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, isly 8 percent of adults in the United States. Some riska seriou

Marine ecology progress series 235:127

MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 235: 127–134, 2002 Published June 19 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Species differences, origins and functions of fatty alcohols and fatty acids in the wax esters and phospholipids of Calanus hyperboreus, C. glacialis and C. finmarchicus from Arctic waters Catherine L. Scott1, Slawomir Kwasniewski3, Stig Falk-Petersen4, John R. Sargent2,*


Electrophoresis 2004, 25, 1580–1591 Ira S. Lurie Capillary electrophoresis analysis of a wide variety Patrick A. Hays Kimberly Parker of seized drugs using the same capillary with dynamic coatings Special Testing andResearch Laboratory,U.S. Drug EnforcementCapillary electrophoresis methodology is presented for the routine analysis of a widevariety of seized drugs using the same

Newsletter layout 5

January 2005 Volume 8, Issue 1 More Stuff, Less Space: the Museum Upgrade Project By Paul Robertson, Curator of Known Space and Other Stuff victims of our own success. Since the for- From the Chair mation of this institution in 1991, the en-thusiastic public response to the call todevelop a health care collection has beenoverwhelming. Our artefact holdings havegrown from appro


Patient’s Name ____________________________________ Montana Oral Surgery and Dental Implant Center INFORMED CONSENT ORAL AND MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY AND ANESTHESIA You have the right to be informed about: your diagnosis and planned surgery; reasonable treatment alternatives; their benefits and risks; and, to make a decision whether to undergo or forego this treatment. This


Sleep Your Way to Better Health Want to lose weight, boost your immune system, improve your energy and performance at work and look years younger ? The answer could be as simple as getting a good night’s sleep. North Americans are sleeping less than ever before and the effect on our health care system is substantial. As a societ

Material safety data sheet

SAFETY DATA SHEET Engemycin® Page 1 of 5 Section 1: Identification of the Substance and Supplier Product name Engemycin Liquid containing 8-23% oxytetracycline hydrochloride Recommended use Veterinary broad-spectrum antibiotic injection for use in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, dogs and cats. Company details MSD Animal Health, 33 Whakatiki Street, Upper Hu

Microsoft word - dopping iii.számú melléklet

A Magyar Dinamikus Lövészsport Szövetség Dopping Ellenes Szabályzata III. számú melléklete. Dopping tiltólista – 2013 – Hatóanyag szerinti teljes lista Magyarországon forgalomban lévő, a hatályos szabályozás szerint doppinglistán szereplő hatóanyagot tartalmazó készítménye A lista a készítmény neveket és zárójelben a WADA csoportot ill. a Magyaror

Chapter 22 e-health 2.0 developments in treatment and research in multiple sclerosis

E-Health 2.0 Developments in Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis The MS4 Research Institute (MS4RI) 1. Introduction The treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS) is entering a new era, characterized by the availability of a broad range of disease modifying drugs (DMDs) for patients in the relapsing-remitting (RR) phase of the disease. Through interference with immune-mediated in

Mcgarvie institute history update 2000-201

McGARVIE SMITH INSTITUTE HISTORY UPDATE 2000-2011 MCGARVIE SMITH INSTITUTE HISTORY UPDATE 2000 – 2011 This History Update, for the period 1 January 2000 to 30 June 2011, has been prepared by the Chairman of Trustees, R A Farrar, Trustee Dr F R Doughty and Secretary N Hil man. It has been reviewed and approved by the Trustees of the McGarvie Smith Institute. This Up

Pet-ct scan english.cdr

PREPARING FOR YOUR PET/CT SCAN WHAT IS PET/CT? P ositron E mission T omography (PET) is a unique non-invasive test that provides information about the body’s function not available through any other type of imaging test. PET images functional processes, such as tumor metabolic activity. The C omputed T omography (CT) provides information about the body’s anatomy such as size, sha

Qué hará la otan para ocultar los actos de terror.

Qué hará la Otan para ocultar los actos de terror. Qué hará la Otan para ocultar los actos de terror. - Español - Articulos de Michel Collon - Date de mise en ligne : vendredi 2 septembre 2011 Auteur(s) : Michel Collon Qué hará la Otan para ocultar los actos de terror. La horrible verdad se confirma poco a poco. Se vienen declarando desde abril -pero en vano- diversas mis

Safety of pesticides used to control adult mosquitoes

SAFETY OF PESTICIDES USED TO CONTROL ADULT MOSQUITOES (Pyrethrins, Pyrethroids, and Piperonyl Butoxide) Questions and Answers for Public Health Professionals Division of Environmental and Occupational Disease Control Division of Communicable Disease Control California Department of Health Services 1. What is the primary method used to control West Nile virus? Mosquit


PV and ET Patients Wanted for Clinical Trials JAK2 Inhibitor as New Therapy for Patients with Polycythemia Vera and Essential Thrombocythemia Classic Philadelphia chromosome­negative myeloproliferative diseases (MPD) include Polycythemia Vera (PV), Essential Thrombocythemia (ET), and primary myelofibrosis(MF). Several independent groups described 3 years ago a novel mutation in the gene

Microsoft word - west_nile_virus_level_7.0.doc

Marshall ABE's Reading for Today's AdultsLevel 7.0 Story 19 West Nile Virus Pre-reading What do you know about the West Nile Virus? What questions do you have about it?Definitions: Potential – is able to happen; possibleCentral nervous system – the brain and spinal cord; contains millions of nerve cellsPermethrin – a widely used insecticide that has been classified as a carcinogen be


Marijuana for Intractable Hiccoughs Everyone has experienced hiccoughs, but little is known about them. Ordinarily, hiccoughing is short-lived and benign and therefore of little clinical interest. But occasionally people suffer bouts of intractable hiccoughs, which become extremely uncomfortable and eventually create a health problem, making it dif icult to sleep and even eat. Little is known

Microsoft word - buscofen foglietto illustrativo _2_.doc

PRIMA DELL'USO LEGGETE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO Questo è un medicinale di AUTOMEDICAZIONE che potete usare per curare disturbi lievi e transitori facilmente riconoscibili e risolvibili senza ricorrere all'aiuto del medico. Può essere quindi acquistato senza ricetta ma va usato correttamente per assicurarne l'efficacia e ridurne gli e

Bimectin eng.doc

SUMMARY OF THE PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS NAME OF THE VETERINARY MEDICINAL PRODUCT Bimectin vet. 10 mg/ml, solution for injection QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION Active substance(s) List of excipients PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Solution for injection. Clear colourless to slightly yellow coloured solution. PHARMACOLOGICAL PROPERTIES Pharmacodynamic properties Iverme


musikelectronic geithain musikelectronic geithain The Reference Class - Active Studio-Monitors made by musikelectronic geithain RL Series From a compact two-way monitor up to large available for long-term. We believe that this is the only loudspeaker-systems - we pro vide you with t he best way to create a product which is worth your investment solutions for all kinds o f pro


The Stinker by Colin Harvey Let’s be honest. Tobias Knowlton was not the sort of person you’d want to get stuck in a lift with. It’s not how he looked that was the problem, though Tobias was no oil painting. Well, maybe a particularly avant-garde oil painting by a former enfant terrible approaching the end of an otherwise uninspired artistic career looking to shock the art es

Projekte - sprachwissenschaftsgeschichte

Genetic information as part of the “Great Chain of Being” Andreas Musolff, University of Durham ([email protected]) Abstract The article investigates discourse traditions of key-metaphors in popular accounts of genetics, such as those of genes or cells as selfish replicators, or of selection as a self-propelling agent or prime mover of evolution. Such agentive metap

Post partum depression.pub

and indirectly may help depression. Biofeed-before taking any new prescription or nonpre-back, like relaxation therapies, should be done only in addition to psychotherapy and medi- Exercise as appropriate for you physical condi- Massage Therapy: Massage therapy may help tion in the days right after giving birth. lower stress, but it does not cure depression. Participate in

C:\documents and settings\amach

MORGAN HILL UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT SCIENCE STANDARDS FOR GRADE TWO (Board Adopted March 2001) [Bold print are the essential standards. ] STUDENTS WHO MEET THIS STANDARD WILL: *Italics indicate district standards exceed state standards Physical Sciences 1. The motion of objects can be observed and measured. As a basis for understanding this concept, students know: a.

Document in document -- grab n go brief -- 16.jan.2012 -- author_ masterfile software

Grab n Go Brief ™ by MasterFile ™ J. Lynn Case Case Summary Sample Report MasterFile Software January 16, 2012 Printed 6:04 PM 16.Jan.2012 Privileged & Confidential -- Page 1 of 12 Grab n Go Brief ™ by MasterFile ™ Statement of Confidentiality The content may be entitled to further protection from disclosure under the attorney-client privilege. Any recipient t

Microsoft word - sj memo.doc

PLAINTIFF’S MEMORANDUM OF LAW IN SUPPORT OF HIS MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT Introduction Rafael Rodriguez, Jr. retired from the Air Force in 1997 and began working for APL Logistics America’s Ltd. (“APL”)1 as a systems instructor. In this position, Mr. Rodriguez traveled the country and abroad to train APL personnel in the operation of computer systems and the handling of i


Gerichtstyp Geschäftszahl Der Oberste Gerichtshof hat als Revisionsgericht durch den Senatspräsidenten des Obersten Gerichtshofes Dr. Petrag als Vorsitzenden und die Hofräte des Obersten Gerichtshofes Dr. Langer, Dr. Rohrer, Dr. Spenling und Dr. Kuras als weitere Richter in der Rechtssache der klagenden Parteien 1.) Dr. Hubert K*****, 2.) Andrea K*****, Dipl. Physiotherapeutin, *****, u


Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section. Medical authorities such as the American Society of Anesthesiologists advise the use of spinal or epidural anaesthesia for caesarean section (http://www.asahq.org/news/asanews040207.htm). The use of general anesthesia for caesarean section in pregnant women can cause difficulty in airway management which might result in serious harm. The use of general anaesth


DRUG-SUPPLEMENT INTERACTIONS IN LYME DISEASEInteractions between prescription or over the counter drugs and nutritional supplementsare common and often not well known. In creating the Drug-Nutrient Workshop(www.NutritionWorkshop.com), a professional database of interactions between drugsand dietary supplements, nutrients, and food or food components, I found that over 400drugs commonly used i

Fiche maladie : Épilepsies

aide | plan du site | contact aspects médicaux aspects pédagogiques associations Epilepsies (Les) Quelles conséquences des épilepsies à l'école ? Pourquoi se produit une crise d'épilepsie ? Quand faire attention ? Face à la crise Quels symptômes et quelles conséquences ? Comment améliorer la vie à l'école d'un enfant avec une Qu'est-ce que l'épilepsie ? L’é

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NAAM VAN HET GENEESMIDDEL Desmopressine Ferring 0,2 mg tabletten 2. KWALITATIEVE EN KWANTITATIEVE SAMENSTELLING Desmopressine acetaat 0,2 mg equiv. desmopressine (vrije base) 0,178 mg Voor een volledige lijst van hulpstoffen, zie rubriek 6.1. 3. FARMACEUTISCHE VORM Tabletten 4. KLINISCHE GEGEVENS 4.1 Therapeutische indicaties Enuresis nocturna van

Journal 10-04 new

For your health Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacteria found natu-rally on the skin. It is a common cause of skin infections,Although questions remain regarding antibiotics, therebut may also cause more serious infections like pneumo-are a few things we know now. First, for less severe skinnia. Since the introduction of antibiotics in the early 1900s,infections, draining an absces


It's 2050: Do you know where your nuclear waste is? Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists 2011 67: 30The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Additional services and information for Bulletin IT IS 6 MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT Scientists AbstractIn light of JapanÕs nuclear disaster, a major lesson can be learned rel

Adrenoreceptors and bc - may 2010

Adrenoceptors and breast cancer: Review article Roisman R., Klemm O., Raphaeli G., and Roisman I. Dedicated to Mrs. Minka Klavins and Prof. Janis V. Klavins Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, NY, USA Correspondence to: Isaac Roisman, M.D., Dip. Surg., M. Surg., D.Sc. P.O.Box 45470 , Haifa 31453, Israel Tel.: (972-4)8388393, Fax: (972-4)8379503 Adrenocepto

Microsoft word - procedimento complmto lic port 04-05.doc

Decreto-Lei n.º12/2000 de 28 de Fevereiro O Estado, no uso das suas atribuiç ões, tem o direito e o dever regular as associaç ões públicas. A Ordem profissional de Auditores e Contabilistas Certificados, ora objecto de criaç ã o e regulamentaç ã o, constitui uma expressã o desse poder regulamentar do Estado, determinante para a institucionalizaç ã o de um quadro jurídico que


In patients with Fredrickson Types IIa and IIb hyperlipoproteinemia pooled from 24 controlled trials, the median (25thand 75th percentile) percent changes from baseline in HDL-C for atorvastatin 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg were 6.4 (-1.4, 14),8.7 (0, 17), 7.8 (0, 16), and 5.1 (-2.7, 15), respectively. Additionally, analysis of the pooled data demonstrated consistent Lipitor® and significant decrea

Microsoft word - new_management_structure_20070326.doc

Yoshiji KIMURA Representative Director of the Board and Chief Executive Officer MEDINET Co., Ltd. (TSE-Mothers #2370) 2-5-14, Shin-Yokohama, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Tel: +81 (0)45-478-0041 (Switch Board) Email : [email protected] Announcement of New Management Structure MEDINET Co., Ltd. (“MEDINET”) announced today that it resolved at the Board Meeting to make organization

Microsoft word - evs dec 5th

MOUNT ABU SCHOOL PLANNING FOR DECEMBER OF E.V.S SYLLABUS: 1. Lesson-26 MOSQUITOES AND MALARIA (written) 2. Lesson-27 FUELS FOR VEHICLES (sensitivity test) 3. Lesson-28 ADVENTURE AND EXPLORATION (oral) DIAGRAMS: 1. Draw a various measures taken to control malaria. 2. Draw showing wind energy being harnessed. 3. Draw the important climbing equipment. ACTIVITIES: 1.


107 N. Union Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909Email: [email protected] Phone: (719) 473-0399 Fax: (719) 633-5204 NUTRITIONAL EVALUATION Tests Used for Analysis: Comments: Patient Symptom Survey. Patient's comments: My concerns are fatigue and hair loss. This analysis and the recommendations are not for the purpose of treating or curing disease (cancer, hepatitis, arthritis, d

Reproductive surgery

Surgical Sperm Retrieval 1 in 6 couples experience difficulty conceiving and might require assistance to achieve their dream of a family. It is advisable to have tried to conceive for at least 12 months before seeking our help, except if one of the partners is known to have a condition that is known to delay/prevent conception. One of these conditions is where the male partner is known to have

DiagnÓstico da informaÇÃo brasileira na Área de comunicaÇÃo

INTERCOM – Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares da Comunicação XXVI Congresso Brasileiro de Ciências da Comunicação – BH/MG – 2 a 6 Set 2003 DEZ IMPASSES PARA UMA EFETIVA CRÍTICA DE MÍDIA NO BRASIL Prof. MsC. Rogério Christofoletti Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (Univali) “Uma sociedade sem crítica é uma sociedade morta ” Eram pouco mais de seis hor

(microsoft word - wada tilt\363lista 2013. hun \(1\))

2013. ÉVI TILTÓLISTA NEMZETKÖZI DOPPINGELLENES SZABÁLYZAT Érvényes 2013. január 1-jétől A Nemzetközi Doppingellenes Szabályzat 4.2.2 cikke értelmében minden Tiltott szer „Meghatározott szer”-nek minősül, kivéve az S1, S2, S.4.4, S.4.5 és S6.a osztályokba tartozó anyagokat, valamint az M1, M2 és M3 Tiltott Módszerek et. MINDENKOR (VERSENYEN ÉS VERSENYEN

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58 Manley Road, Pennington NJ 08534 Cell 609.947.1089 Why I get up in the morning I can’t remember if I was 13 or 17, but sometime before I really knew what I wanted to do with my life, I heard that great quote that went something like, “If you really love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Well, that sentiment went right out the door the day I started my first


Department of Pediatrics io n of Allergy & Immunology Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Location: Faculty Practice Associates 5 East 98th Street, (between 5th and Madison Avenue), 10th floor Phone: 212-241-5548 PRIOR TO YOUR VISIT Please complete the QUESTIONNAIRE and col ect pertinent medical records and/or test results. Please have your child stop

Acupuncture treatment of chronic migraine headaches: a case report

Medical Acupuncture Journal, Abstract 6 - Acupuncture Treatm. http://www.medicalacupuncture.com/aama_marf/journal/vol10_. A Journal For Physicians By Physicians Spring / Summer 1998 - Volume 10 / Number 1 "Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi" ABSTRACT 6 ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC MIGRAINE HEADACHES: A CASE REPORT By Bryan L. Frank, M.D., RC., INTRODUCTION A 40-

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OUTPATIENT PRESCRIPTION DRUG RIDER This Rider is issued to the Policyholder on the Group Effective Date or Group Renewal Date and made a part of the Evidence of Coverage to which it is attached. In case of any conflict between the terms or provisions of this Rider and the Evidence of Coverage, this Rider controls. Coventry Health Care of Nebraska, Inc. is hereafter called the “Health Pl

Parasite resistance in us cattle

Parasite Resistance in US Cattle Donald H. Bliss1, PhD; Robert D. Moore2, MS; William G. Kvasnicka3, DVM 1Veterinary Parasitologist, MidAmerica Ag Research, 3705 Sequoia Trail, Verona, WI 53593 2College of Agriculture, Biotechnology & Natural Resources, University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557 37131 Meadow View, Shawnee, KS 66227 Abstract s’ensuivre à l’insu des producteurs sa


Journal of Controlled Release 104 (2005) 497 – 505Controlled release of lidocaine hydrochloride from theZhijian Wua,b, Hyeonwoo Joob, Tai Gyu Leeb, Kangtaek Leeb,TaCollege of Materials Science and Engineering, Huaqiao University, Quanzhou 362011, PR ChinabDepartment of Chemical Engineering, Yonsei University, 134 Shinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, KoreaReceived 23 August 2004

M.sc.-organic chemistry

Bhavnagar University Bhavnagar SYLLABUS FOR M. Sc.-Semester-III (Chemistry) Organic Chemistry In force from June-2008 Total Marks: 100 Paper-IX Natural Product-I Lectures: 60 Unit – I Carbohydrates: 12 Introduction, classification, types of glycosidic linkage, configuration of mono saccharides, ring structure of mono sacch


Publikationen ORIGINALARBEITEN IN ZEITSCHRIFTEN 1. Happe S, Louwen F, Lüdemann P. Präeklampsie und HELLP-Syndrom: Hämorheologische Befunde im Verlauf. Hämostaseologie 1998 ; 18: 80-83 2. Zunker P, Happe S, Evers S, Louwen F, Ringelstein EB. Peripartal temporal course of endothelin 1, angiotensin II, and atrial natriuretic peptide in pre-eclampsia and normotensive pregnancy. Fetal

Microsoft word - documento8

Un dolore lancinante e improvviso, come una scossa elettrica che si irradia su un lato del viso. Chi ha sofferto di nevralgia del trigemino sa che è impossibile resistere a lungo a questo malessere. L'infiammazione del trigemino è un disturbo relativamente raro, che colpisce tra le 100 e le 150 persone ogni 100 mila: interessa in misura maggiore le donne e, nella maggioranza dei casi, ind


Highlights of a satellite symposium held during the XXIII Congress of the European Society of CardiologyLow-dose combination therapy in hypertension. Is it time for a change in treatment recommendations?A satellite symposium entitled Low-dosecombination therapy in hypertension. Is ittime for a change in treatment recommenda-tions? was held during the XXIII Congress ofthe European Soc

Microsoft word - 04 declaraciÓn de lima - terrorismo, 26 abril 1996.doc

DECLARACIÓN DE LIMA PARA PREVENIR, COMBATIR Y ELIMINAR EL TERRORISMO Los Ministros de Estado y los Jefes de Delegación de los Estados miembros de la Organi-zación de los Estados Americanos (OEA), reunidos en Lima, Perú, del 23 al 26 de abril de 1996, en ocasión de la Conferencia Especializada Interamericana sobre Terrorismo, CON FUNDAMENTO en los principios y propósitos consagrados


-MCWC Receives California Arts Council Support -Ellen Sussman Presents October Soundings -Memorial for Paula Gunn Allen in San Francisco -More MCWC Community Literary News 20th ANNIVERSARY 2009 MENDOCINO COAST WRITERS CONFERENCE Will be held from July 30 – August 2, 2009 on the College of the Redwoods Fort Bragg Campus. The Conference is very honored to be a recipient of a 2008 California Arts

Microsoft word - tenant grievances usda spanish

EL CAPÍTULO XXXV—SERVICIO DE VIVIENDA RURAL, EL DEPARTAMENTO DE AGRICULTURA, PARTA 3560_PRESTAMOS Y BECAS DIRECTAS PARA VIVIENDAS DE MUTI-FAMILIA La subapartado D_Ocupacion de Viviendas de Multé-Familias Sec. 3560.160 Quejas del Inquilino. (a) General. Los requisitos establecidos en esta sección se diseñan para asegurar que hay un proceso justo y equitativo para dirigir los intereses de

Microsoft word - premio mondo notte - comunicato stampa.doc

Martedì 15 Maggio 2012 @ “Piper Club” (Roma, Via Tagliamento 9) dalle ore 21.30 fino a tarda notte. divertimento, musica, spettacolo, cultura, solidarietà e sociale. L'evento, ideato e realizzato dall’Associazione-Organizzazione “Mondo Notte”, con il Patrocinio della Presidenza dell'Assemblea Capitolina (“Roma Capitale”), e con la partecipazione di StandBy Tv, RadioDanceMusic e

Microsoft word - iechyd a diogelwchpc

Polisi Iechyd a Diogelwch Ein polisi yw darparu a chynnal amgylchiadau gwaith diogel ac iach, ynghyd â chyfarpar a systemau gwaith i’r holl ddisgyblion a’r staff (dysgu ac an-nysgu). Hefyd, darparu gwybodaeth, hyfforddiant lle bo hynny’n bosibl neu’n angenrheidiol, ac arolygaeth i’r diben hwn. Yn y ddogfen hon cynhwysir dyraniad swyddogaethau ar gyfer materion diogelwch a’r trefn


-Hemolytic Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis in Children Symptomatic Relapse of Group A The online version of this article can be found at: can be found at: Clinical Pediatrics Additional services and information for Clinical Pediatrics Articles Symptomatic Relapse of Group A β -Hemolytic Streptococcal Tonsillopharyngitis in Children Janet R. Casey, MD, and Mic


Material Safety Data Sheet Lithium Ion Cells and Battery Packs Section 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Prismatic Lithium Ion Cells and Battery Packs MANUFACTURE’S NAME: EnerDel, Inc. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: INFOTRAC 800-535-5053 Environmental, Health and Safety Department Section 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Batteries and


DATOS PERSONALES Fecha Nacimiento: 13-12-59 (49 años) Lugar: Cdad Autónoma de Bs.As. Pcia. Bs.As. Argentina. Domicilio Particular: José Marti 368 – Ciudad Autónoma de Bs.As. Provincia de Bs.As . TE 4637-5971 TC 15-4411-4680 E-mail [email protected] – www.ginecologiaestetica.com.ar Consultorios: F. Lacroze 2563 1°A – CABA. TE 4555-1212/1313 Otamendi


RAFEL NADAL SALAS- L’INDIÀ D’ESPORLES III. Alçament militar i Guerra Civil, 1936-39. L’arròs va a “grumallons” A mesura que arribàvem als darrers dies de la Segona República, l’ambient polític s’enterbolia. La Falange, que no havia aconseguit cap diputat a les darreres eleccions a les quaranta províncies on s’havia presentat, va augmentar la seva pressió social.


Optical Interferometers E N CYC LO PE D IA O F A S T R O N O MY AN D A S T R O PHYS I C S Optical Interferometers Optical INTERFEROMETERS are astronomical instrumentsdesigned to provide higher angular resolving power thanis possible with a conventional optical telescope or, inother words, the capacity to measure smaller angles andto discern finer details in an image. The ability of a telesc


Mindful Health™ Cleanse: Ful Ingredients List Mindful Health Meal Berry Serving Size: 36 grams (approx two scoops) Servings per container: 15 Calories: 110 Total Fat: 1g, Saturated Fat: 0g, Trans Fat: 0g, Sodium: 400 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 9g, Dietary Fiber: 5g, Sugars: 1g, Protein (from Peatein™): 17g Ingredients : Vitamin C (as Ascorbic Acid):100 mg, Vitamin E (Total Natural Toc


P Prädiktion und Prävention in alphabetischer Reihenfolge: R der Frühgeburt E Experts for the Prediction and Prevention of Preterm Birth (X4PB) Die Prädiktion und Prävention der extremen Frühgeburt ist nach wie vor eines der ungelösten Probleme der Geburtshilfe T und stellt aufgrund der zahlreichen möglichen Therapieoptio- nen enorme Ansprüche an niedergelassene


Sustained improvement in a patient with young onset Parkinson’sdisease after the arrival of a pet dogReceived: 14 January 2010 / Revised: 11 February 2010 / Accepted: 17 February 2010 / Published online: 16 March 2010Ó Springer-Verlag 2010III: 8/108). However, despite domperidone, she experi-enced continuous nausea, anorexia and fatigue, whichMuch research has been carried out into pharmacol

Microsoft word - 06sturbridge workshops.doc

~2006 STURBRIDGE FESTIVAL PRE-REGISTERED WORKSHOPS May 31-June 6~ Sturbridge Host Hotel on Cedar Lake ~ 366 Main Street, Sturbridge, Massachusetts Mass Turnpike Exit 9 or I-84 Exit 3B Fly in to Hartford Bradley Airport or Boston/Logan Special room rates under Dollhouse Show ~ 508.347.7393 Mail payment to each instructor at addresses given or Show Organizer, where indicated. Question


On 6 February 2010 ABN AMRO Bank N.V. (registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 33002587) changed its name to The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. and on 1 April 2010 ABN AMRO Holding N.V. changed its name to RBS Holdings N.V. and all references in the attached document to " ABN AMRO Bank N.V. " should be read as references to " The Royal Bank of Scotland N.V. &


Editorial Dramamine might have helped. The swings in the C ity Council conversation, the way discussions went back and forth, the whip-sawed audience members who were un-see-worthy and witness to the number of back and forth, completed or incompleted exchanges, found these difficult to follow during some recent Council meetings. The issue of Undergrounding has not been curried. Its history is repl

Microsoft word - normativa 41 sildenafil.doc


Smt news fevrier 201

Mauguio € De : "Bernard DELIENCOURT" <[email protected]> SMT-NEWS N°26 / Février 2011 Cher(e)s Ami(e)s du Tir Sportif et de la Melgorienne de Tir, Nous voilà déjà en février ! Comme vous le savez c'est le mois le plus court de l'année mais pas le plus chaud. on dit souvent : "février rigoureux effraie les frileux", et c'est bien le cas surtout avec cette


Bipolar Disorder: What you need to know. What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is an illness involving one or more episodes of serious mania and depression. The illness causes a person’s mood to swing from excessively “high” and/or irritable to sad and hopeless, with periods of a normal mood in between. More than 2 million Americans suffer from


¿Ha sido víctima de discriminación en servicios de vivienda? De acuerdo con la ley federal y estatal contra la discriminación, es ilegal discriminar en la venta o renta de viviendas o en los préstamos o seguros de viviendas por razones de:  Condición familiar (familias con hijos menores de 18 años)  Condición como veterano o miembro de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos  Co

Microsoft word - cv m.tzaphlidou.doc

CURRICULUM VITAE University of Ioannina Ioannina 45 110 GREECE Nationality Qualifications Profession Education University of Ioannina, Department of Physics, PhD in Medical Biophysics, Department of Medical Biophysics, Medical School, University of Manchester, U.K. Present appointment : Prof. in Medical Physics, Medical School, University of Ioannina, Creece.

Microsoft word - _cefaleia.doc

Fluxo de atendimento e dados de alerta para qualquer tipo de cefaléia no atendimento do Fluxo de atendimento e dados de alerta para qualquer tipo de cefaléia no atendimento do Primeiro Atendimento Serão classificados como emergência (sinais de alerta de alto risco para 1. Cefaléia de instalação súbita (pico de dor desde o início) 2. Cefaléias dese

Microsoft word - arret_tabac.doc

IV – Résultats groupe fumeur 6 - Arrêt du tabac Avant d’envisager la population « fumeurs », il faut souligner que sur les 51 autres personnes interrogées dans l’enquête, 8 personnes (5 hommes et 3 femmes) sont des ex-fumeurs, dont l’arrêt du tabac date de moins de 5 ans. En demandant aux salariés fumeurs s’ils avaient déjà arrêter de fumer, 54 y ont répondu

Peran epw_s_int

T.038-3330222 F.038-3331878 E-mail: [email protected] www.masterfloor.nl Description Peran EPW Sealer is a 2-component water-soluble epoxy, and is available as transparent or pigmented with a gloss or matt finish. It is applied in thicknesses of 150-250 µm. A normal thickness after two coats is approx. 175 µm. Applications Peran EPW Sealer is a simple and wear-re

Merkblatt oxyuriasis ga main-tauber-kreis

Merkblatt Lan Albert-Schweitzer-Str. 31 97941 Tauberbischofsheim Tel.: 09341/82-5579, Fax: 09341/82-5560 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.main-tauber-kreis.de Enterobiasis, Oxyuriasis, Madenwurm-Infektion Die Enterobiasis wird durch den weiß aussehenden Madenwurm Enterobius vermicularis verursacht. Dieser Madenwurm gehört zu der Gattung der Nematoden, den Rund

Toxic homes:

Exposure to indoor toxins in Bushwick A report by Make the Road New York TOXIC HOMES: ABOUT THE REPORT Bushwick is a low-income, predominantly Latino and African-American neighborhood located in North Brooklyn, New York City. Bushwick residents face a number of major environmental health problems that are caused by bad indoor housing conditions. Because of exposu


PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE ADVERTISING: 1/97 - present - Freelance ACD/Copy TV, Print, Radio, Digital, 360 Work at numerous ad agencies including McCann Erikson, Kaplan Thaler, GSW, Grey, Moxie, Saatchi and Saatchi, Ogilvy & Mather, Chiat Day, Euro RSCG, and more on a variety of accounts and in a variety of mediums. Also work directly with individual companies on branding, TV and pr

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Helyezés Iskola név Helység Pontszám Szilvási Ált. Isk. Felsıszilvási Tagint. Lágymányosi Bárdos Lajos Kéttannyelvő ÁI. és Gimn. Váci Utcai Ének-Zenei Általános IskolaSzent-Györgyi Albert Ált. Isk. és Gimn. Álmos Vezér Gimnázium és Általános Isk. Kırösi Csoma Sándor Általános IskolaApáczai Nevelési és ÁMK 1. Sz. Ált. Isk. Timaffy László Pe


Issue 3: 5 March 2012 slimming products, as laboratory tests found evidence of pharmaceutical grounds, due to increased risk of heart attacks and strokes. The MHRA explained that Sildenafil can cause potentially life-threatening high blood pressure. Individuals with heart problems are at increased risk abnormal heart beat. Other side effects include headache, indigestion, have been approv

Microsoft word - [12] unni 4-19-12.doc

[12] UNNI 4-19-12.DOC (DO NOT DELETE) 9/10/2012 3:01 PM Indian Patent Law and TRIPS: Redrawing the Flexibility Framework in the Context of Public Policy and Health Presented in March 2011 at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law Symposium on The Global Impact and Implementation of Human Rights Norms. IV. THE PATENTS (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2002 . 333 V. THE PATENTS (AMENDMENT)

Microsoft word - prescription medicines.doc

REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES COMPONENT OF THE CONSUMERS PRICE INDEX Andrew Ransom Statistics New Zealand, Aorangi House, 85 Molesworth St, Wellington, New Zealand The Prescription Medicines component of the Consumers Price Index (CPI) is being reviewed. The review was prompted by a need to update the sample of medicines and their weights, and to develop a robust stra


OM SAKTHI Melmaruvathur Adhiparasakthi Institute of Medical sciences & Research ANNUAL REQUIREMENT MEDICINES Name of the Item INJECTIONS Name of the Item SOLIDS &LIQUIDS Name of the Item POVIDONE IODINE CLEANING SOLUTION 500 ML SUTURE MATERIALS Name of the Item SURGICAL DISPOSABLE Name of the item AUROLAB SCELERAL FIXATION LENS WITH NEEDLE 23.0 D A

Ultrasound protocol codes

1. Very few of the SNOMED codes in CID 12001 Ultrasound Protocol Types, and none of the codes in 12002 Ultrasound Protocol Stage Types, actually exist in SNOMED. While these non-existent codes do no harm (yet), it is inappropriate for DICOM to assert them as SNOMED codes, and in fact SNOMED could use them for other concepts. [For the record, these terms were added in CP230.] 2. The codes as list

Microsoft word - mft2009_final.doc

Ressortforschung im Gesundheitsbereich Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. J. H. Hacker Präsident des Robert-Koch-Instituts, Berlin In meinem Vortrag werde ich die Ressortforschung am Beispiel des Robert Koch-Instituts vorstellen und mit dem aktuellen Beispiel der Influenza eini-ge Ausführungen machen, wie die Ressortforschung in Deutschland als Schnittstelle zwischen Wissenschaft und Politik fung


0651#02_NECCHI vigorelli 02 13-03-2003 14:44 Pagina 1 C ompatta, leggera, fa- S emplice da usare, è T utti i lavori più comuni P unti per tutte le esi- Q uesta è l’elettronica di L a macchina elettronica I l modello più completo Questa serie di Le macchine macchine per cucire elettroniche unisce ad un consentono di prezzo di acquisto re


Hong Ding, PhD Current Title: Assistant Professor Current working address: Department of Immunology, Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine Florida International University 11200 SW 8th ST., AHC 1-308 Miami, FL33199, USA Tel: (305)348-1490 (Lab), (716)907-4955 (Cell)/Fax: (305)348-1109 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] A. EDUCATION  PhD of Pharmaceutical Sciences, We


2012 Medicare Defined Standard Assured ® HMO StepTherapy Last Update : 09/21/2012 Brand Name: ACTOplus Met Generic Name: Pioglitazone / Metformin ActoPlus Met(pioglitazone/metformin) Step Therapy Criteria · Coverage is provided for a diagnosis of type 2 diabetic mellitus in patients whose blood glucose is not adequately controlled on or had intolerance to metformin or a

Thoraxjnl-2011-200017 1.6

Thorax Online First, published on September 15, 2011 as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2011-200017 Identification of FGF7 as a novel susceptibility locusfor chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseJohn M Brehm,1 Koichi Hagiwara,2 Yohannes Tesfaigzi,3 Shannon Bruse,3Thomas J Mariani,4 Soumyaroop Bhattacharya,4 Nadia Boutaoui,1 John P Ziniti,5Manuel E Soto-Quiros,6 Lydiana Avila,6 Michael H Cho,5,7,8 Blanca Him

Acog committee opinion, number 322, november 2005

This document reflects emergingclinical and scientific advances as ABSTRACT: Compounded bioidentical hormones are plant-derived hor- mones that are prepared, mixed, assembled, packaged, or labeled as a drug by a pharmacist and can be custom made for a patient according to a physi- cian’s specifications. Most compounded products have not undergone rigor- ous clinical testing for safety o


Inventory Listing for "Maintains". Click on the "Buy Now" link to purchase an item. • Himalaya 100% Herbal Neem 60 Vcaps For Skin Disorders & Maintains Healthy Skin ($6.99) - • DISHWASHER MAGIC DISHWASHER CLEANER & DISINFECTANTCLEANS, FRESHENS & MAINTAINS ($10.41) - • The Maintains by Clark Coolidge 1974 Limited Edition Softcover (Poetry) ($46.33• Brain &a


SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS 1. NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT Terbital® 10 mg/g cream 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION 1 g of the cream contains 10 mg of terbinafine hydrochloride. Excipient: cetostearyl alcohol. For a full list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM Cream. White or almost white cream with a specific odour. 4. CLINICAL


Clinica Pediatrica, Dipartimento dell’Età Evolutiva, Università di Hallstrom M, Eerola E, Vuento R, Janas M, Tammela O. Eff ects of mode of delivery and necrotising enterocolitis on the intestinal microfl ora in preterm infants. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2004; 23: 463–70. Manzoni P, Mostert M, Leonessa ML. Oral supplementation with Lactobacillus CG declares that he has no co

Cns drugs 2006; 20 (12): 981-992

LEADING ARTICLE © 2006 Adis Data Information BV. All rights reserved. Agomelatine A Preliminary Review of a New Antidepressant Michael Zupancic and Christian Guilleminault Stanford University Sleep Medicine Program, Stanford, California, USA Abstract Agomelatine is a new antidepressant that is a potent agonist of melatoninreceptors and an antagonist of the serotonin 5-HT2C receptor

Microsoft word - rti manual of law _b_ department.doc

CHAPTER VII Statement of boards, council, committees and other bodies constituted under the control of Law (B) Department. THE MEGHALAYA STATE LEGAL SERVICES AUTHORITY SHILLONG CONSTITUTED VIDE NOTIFICATION NO.LA./3/94/101 DT 15TH JULY, 1998 The Meghalaya State Legal Services Authority, Meghalaya Addl. Secretariat, MATI Building, Shillong – 793002. 1 . COMPOSITION : Patron in

remember that fever helps your child fight the infection

Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen dosing charts Ibuprofen dosing for children under 60 lbs Do not use ibuprofen in children under six months of age. Do fevers cause brain damage? You may repeat the ibuprofen dose every 6 hours as needed. Fevers are a sign of infection, which are usually viral in nature. They do not cause damage to the brain even when the temperature is very high. Ho

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE Sandra Albert MBBS, MD, DNB Address Next to Nongthymmai Post office Upper Nongthymmai Shillong, Meghalaya 793 014, India Email:[email protected] I. Education 1985-1990, M S Ramaiah Medical College Bangalore University, India 1994-1997, Kasturba Medical College, Manipal, India Manipal Academy of Higher Education (a deemed university) Diplomate of t


GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX DISEASE (GERD) Is it your imagination or are the commercials for heartburn and reflux multiplyinglike rabbits? I’ve recently seen a statistic that up to 40% of adults suffer fromreflux also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). What is GERD?It is a chronic condition caused by the backflow of acid, bile, enzymes, and foodinto the esophagus. GERD can be trigge


Preventive medications In addition to a healthy lifestyle, preventive medications can help people avoid many illnesses and conditions. A consumer-directed health (CDH) plan that includespreventive medications can help support the goal ofongoing good health. This list provides examples of your plan’s preventivemedications by drug category. This is not an all-inclusive list. Coverage prior t

The future use of stem cells in treating diseases such as alzheimer’s and diabates

THE FUTURE USE OF STEM CELLS IN TREATING DISEASES Grade awarded June 2006: PASS WITH DISTINCTION Following on from an introduction to stem cell research at “Medlink 2005”, this paper will continue to investigate this branch of modern technology. It will explore the various ways in which it can be used in medicine to find solutions for biological problems which have, up until now, been deemed

Overview of responses from the dhbs

Safety of Patients in New Zealand Hospitals: A Progress Report Dr Mary Seddon, MBChB, MPH, FAFPHM, FRACP Potential Conflicts of Interest: • I currently work as the Clinical Director of the Quality Improvement Unit at Counties-Manukau DHB. I am the Clinical Director of the Patient Safety Campaign, which includes the introduction of an Early Warning Score. • I have worked as Resi

Microsoft word - senior study final.doc

THE EFFECTS OF FLUOXETINE ON AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIORS IN Date Approved_________, by___________________ Date Approved_________, by___________________ Pharmaceuticals, household chemicals, biogenic hormones, and other consumables are released directly into the environment after passing through wastewater treatment processes, which are often not designed to remove these chemicals from the effluent.

Luis omar ontiveros

Mina Amezcua 3726 Las Vegas Blvd, Suite 309w, Las Vegas, NV, 89158562-842-5024 [email protected] EDUCATION 2009-Current University of Nevada School of Medicine, Las Vegas, NV OB/GYN Residency Albany Medical College, Albany, NY , M.D. University of California – Los Angeles , C.A. B.S., Psychology-Biology CERTIFICATE/LICENSURE 2011 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 2011-

Microsoft word - ept 012 .doc

Section 2. Environmental protection / treatment technology REMOVAL OF 17β-ESTRADIOL (E2) AND PHOSPHORUS IN ALTERNATING ATTACHED GROWTH FILTERS Sutthipong Lapanunt1,2, Qing Tian3, Say Kee Ong4, and Tawan Limpiyakorn5 1 International Postgraduate Programs in Environmental Management, Graduate School, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330 Thailand 2 National Center of Excellence

Microsoft word - final articles proceedingsconf materials2010 19-5-2011 part

V., Yıldırıma M. M., Journal of Materials Processing Technology 8. “Chromium and Manganese ” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manga Sajjad Ali, Yaseen Iqbal and Rick Ubic: Manganese Deposits in KPK…… ABSTRACTS (ABSTRACTS OF THE ORAL PRESENTATIONS) 1. The Phase transition behaviour and dielectric properties of Ta2O5- and ZnO-doped BaTiO3 Materials Research Laboratory,


The Crime Fighters of American Broadcasting Gang Busters: The Crime Fighters of American Broadcasting © 2004, Martin Grams, Jr . NBC is an acronym of the trade name National Broadcasting Company, Inc., and as their primaryservice trademark, is reprinted with permission. CBS is an acronym of the trade name Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc., and as their primaryservice trademark, is reprint


OCULAR CLUES IN NEUROLOGIC DISEASE Leonid Skorin, Jr., OD, FAAO, DO, FAAO, FAOCO Albert Lea Medical Center - Mayo Health System A. Non-Arteritic Ischemic Optic Neuropathy a. Acute ischemic of the anterior part of the optic nerve (1) arteriosclerosis (2) nocturnal systemic hypotension (3) intensive systemic antihypertensive medication use (4) associated with obstructive sleep apnea (


(2010 年) 1) Nakano A, Kato H, Watanabe T, Min KD, Yamazaki S, Asano Y, Seguchi O, Higo S, Shintani Y, Asanuma H, Asakura M, Minamino T, Kaibuchi K, Mochizuki N, Kitakaze M, Takashima S. AMPK controls the speed of microtubule polymerization and directional cell migration through CLIP-170 phosphorylation. Nat Cell Biol. 2010 Jun;12(6):583-90. Epub 2010 May 23. PMID: 20495555. 2) Higo S, A

Microsoft word - 2 protocolo de la amoxicilina en inglés con las modificaciones _2_

KIT DAP AMOXICILLIN Description Main allergenic determinants implicated in type I or immediate hypersensitivity to Amoxicillin and related antibiotics (amino penicillins), dosed and stabilized by means of freeze-drying. To be exclusively used for the diagnosis of type I or immediate hypersensitivity to amino penicillins and akin antibiotics (beta-lactams) by skin testing (skin pr


Whiteville City Schools Homerooms Central Middle Fowler, Room 103-8 Kinlaw, Tyrell Kirk, River Moore, Anfernee Patterson, Victoria Maya Campbell, Victoria Dun-ria Torres Maldonado, Hydeia Bella Rogers, James Spaulding, Priest, Felicia Steele, Chante can, Carmen Inman, John son, Caterina Torelli, Erika Ward, Gary Strickland III, Savannah Marquisha Todd, Ericka Ver-McGougan, Raeann


questions & answ What is superficial venous reflux? Superficial venous reflux is a condition that develops when the valves that usually keep blood flowing out of your legs become damaged or diseased. This causes blood to pool in your legs. Common symptoms of superficial venous reflux include pain, swelling, leg heaviness and fatigue, as well as varicose veins in your legs. Wh

Mark gerard mantho

Is There No Place on Earth for Me? Is There No Place on Earth for Me?, Susan Sheehan’s chronicle of a schizophrenic’s experience with the mental health establishment, is dense, informative, and thoroughly depressing. Those hardy enough to wade through the book are unlikely to find it an enjoyable read, but will come away impressed by the meticulous detail and artful structure apparent i

Microsoft word - schlaganfallvorsorge.doc

Schlaganfallvorsorge Die Gefäßverkalkung (Arteriosklerose) ist eine Erkrankung, die Herz, Gehirn, Arme, Beine und auch die Nieren und den Darm betreffen kann und zu einer Verengung der Blutgefäße führt. Wenn sich eine solche Engstelle dann ganz verschließt, kann es durch Sauerstoffmangel in Teilen des Gehirns zu einem Schlaganfall kommen. Derartige, durch Arteriosklerose verursachte

m&m #4 6-7

OB LE J ARN E At the conclusion of this activity, the parti I CATEGORY 1 CME FOR involved in neuropathic pain transmission; PHYSICIANS The UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute desig- nates this educational activity for a maximumof 3 hours of Category 1 credit toward theCalifornia Medical Association's Certification• Identify clinical considerations whenselecting an analgesic for treating


Regional Health & Medical Situation Report Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Multnomah, Tillamook and Washington Counties Influenza January 2014 Date/Time: 1-22-14 at 1430 To: Healthcare Preparedness Region 1 Hospital Representatives; and NW Oregon Health Preparedness Organization Steering Committee/Coalition Interpreted Situation Summary Health Preparedness Region

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SCHEDULE VALIDITY DAILY FLIGHTS October 30, 2008 - March 28, 2009 March 29 – June 30, 2009 July 01 – October 29, 2009 October 30 - December 31, 2009 TOTAL FARE NOTE: Above prices are the net fares given by Air China without discount or commission. NOTE: Please note that above flight schedules are subject to change other than Tuesday and Saturday. Ty


Kursorischer Streifzug durch die Geschichte der Neurowissenschaften aus neuroethischer und neurophilosophischer Perspektive „Wie andere erfolgreiche wissenschaftliche Disziplinen früherer Zeiten produziert die Neurophysiologie gegenwärtig einen weltanschaulichen Überschuss, der sich unter anderem in der Bestreitung menschlicher Freiheit, Verantwortungs- und Schuldfähigkeit äußert. So

Microsoft word - 2013 0428 moers-nohome02_eng.doc

No home for Blixt, part 2 Bill Laswell The bassist, composer and impresario Bill Laswell is one of the New York scene's most scintillating figures. The panorama of his artistic activities, which not even John Zorn can outrival, ranges from extreme avant garde to the heady heights of commercial success, from mainstream pop, heavy metal and prog rock to hip hop, reggae, blues, jazz, free improvisati


Dagblad De Pers Woensdag 25 januari 2012 We groeiden op met de bandjes van Toon Hermans. #Emilio De jongere Guzman- Persis Bekkering Amsterdam Let op, u krijgt geschiedenisles. Het Genante Hoekje was ooit een gewraak-Emilio Guzman?’ MSM2: ‘Wie is dat?’ nant dit.’ MSM3: ‘Neehee, hij heet Ja-geweest, vertelt alles over zijn privéle-ven.’ 2: ‘Oh die. Sjeempie, h


Behandlung von Übelkeit und Erbrechen im ambulanten Bereich Fallbeispiel A AB, 47 Jahre, weibl., Weichteilsarkom Aktuell: Aufnahme zum 3.Zyklus Ifosphamid/Doxorubicin 1.Zyklus: massive Übelkeit und starkes Erbrechen 2.Zyklus: massive Übelkeit und starkes Erbrechen Beim Aufnahmegespräch teilt die Pat. der Schwester mit, dass Sie die Chemotherapie abbrechen werde, so


Physiology and Antibiotic Resistance of Staphylococcus aureus Small Colony Variants Nicole Baumert,1 Christof von Eiff,2 Franziska Schaaff,1 Richard A. Proctor,3 Georg Peters,2 and Hans-Georg Sahl 1 1Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Universität Bonn, Sigmund-Freud-Str. 25, 53105 Bonn2Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Universität Münster, Domagkstr. 10, 48149 Müns


Welcome to Duniye Spa – step into our world of care Time is left at the door and a new journey begins. Step into a sacred space for healing, touch and aroma - an exclusive place just for yourself! Taking care of oneself is essential for joyful and healthy living. Do you feel stressed or tired? Want to re-charge your energy, rejuvenate body and mind? Feel and look good? Imagine a deep sense

Microsoft word - info h1n1.doc

Schweinegrippe – NEUE GRIPPE – H1N1 Was ist eine Pandemie? Eine Pandemie bezeichnet eine weltweite Epidemie. Eine Influenzapandemie wird durch ein neuartiges Influenzavirus verursacht, das in der Lage ist, schwere Erkrankungen hervorzurufen und sich gut von Mensch zu Mensch zu verbreiten. Da dieser neue Erreger zuvor nicht oder sehr lange nicht in der menschlichen Bevölkerung

Analisis jurnal keperawatan medikal bedah

ANALISIS JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MEDIKAL BEDAH Use of Metronidazole Gel to Control Malodor in Advanced and Recurrent Breast Cancer DISUSUN OLEH: SUPRIYADI 1111040075 PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN NERS FAKULTAS ILMU KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PURWOKERTO PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Luka pada jaringan tumor dan atau kanker mamae mudah sekali terjangkiti bakteri dan c

Microsoft word - cv1 1_2006.doc

JAMES A TAYLOR, Ph.D. 12022-A Royal Birkdale Row 2105 Redbud Lane San Diego, CA 92128 Furlong, PA 18925 Experience: Merchant-Taylor International Inc. 1996-Present Partner MTI, Inc. was formed to assist clients who require a broad spectrum of services extending from facilities design, validation and operational activities through design and evaluation of clinical tr


State variable changes to avoid non computational issues Abstract fer function, like the grid of a triode. But the ideas we aregoing to expose will remain the same. This paper is about the numerical simulation of nonlinearanalog circuits with ”switch” components, such as diodes. A ”switch” component is an electrical device that may ormay not conduct, depending on the state of the circu


Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornish, and LEARN Diets for Change in Weight and Related Risk Factors Among Overweight Premenopausal Women The A TO Z Weight Loss Study: A Randomized Trial Context Popular diets, particularly those low in carbohydrates, have challenged cur- rent recommendations advising a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet for weight loss. Po-tential benefits and risks have not


Providence Health Care Pulmonary Diagnostics Requisition IMPORTANT: Please indicate site below St. Paul’s Hospital Mount Saint Joseph Hospital 3080 Prince Edward St, Vancouver, BC V5T 3N4 TO BOOK AN APPOINTMENT PLEASE FAX REQUISTION Not all tests are available at both sites. SPH ONLY indicates testing is only available at St. Paul’s Hospital APPOINTMENT DATE:


Jonathan D. Marmur, MD, FACC, FRCP Director of Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Cardiology [email protected] Cellular Phone 917-885-8854 CERTIFICATION American Board Certification in Interventional Cardiology Nov, 2000 FACC- Fellow of the American College of Cardiology Feb, 1995 American Board Certification in Cardiology March, 1990 Certificate of Competence in

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Prozac, The Pill, Viagra With all of these drugs similar narrative: at first, they’re miracle drugs, then problems show up & questions are asked about social consequences The Pill Contains synthetic estrogens & progestins (chemical analogues of natural hormones) that work primarily by preventing ovulation Developed in 1950s with $$ from Katherine McCormick (given to Worces

Comunicato lancio lamivudina generico_def

Value Relations Cristina Depaoli MYLAN LANCIA IL SUO PRIMO GENERICO ANTIRETROVIRALE IN EUROPA: DISPONIBILE IN ITALIA E REGNO UNITO LA VERSIONE EQUIVALENTE DI EPIVIR® COMPRESSE RIVESTITE CON FILM Milano, 08 Giugno 2012 – Mylan (Nasdaq: MYL) annuncia il lancio in Italia e Regno Unito delle compresse rivestite con film di Lamivudina da 150 e 300 mg. Questo prodotto è la vers

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Macoupin County Maple Street Dental Clinic HEALTH HISTORY Patient’s Name_________________________________________ Today’s Date_______________________ Street Address_________________________________________ Birthdate__________________________ City__________________ State________ Zip_____________ Sex (circle) M / F Date of last dental exam___________________ Phone numb

Microsoft word - press release biographical forms

Biographical Forms Construction and individual mythology Charles Ray. The New Beetle [El nuevo escarabajo] , 2006 Acero pintado y poliuretano acrílico Cortesía del artista y Matthew Marks Gallery, Nueva York Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid) Edificio Sabatini. Sala A1 ORGANIZATION: Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía (Madrid) CURATOR:

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This is to keep you informed about recent events, various issues and current developments about Drug Action and campaigns with which we have been associated. To make our interventions more meaningful, we need your active interest, time and commitment. Please write to Anant Phadke at our rational drug policy cell, 50 LIC quarters, University Road, Pune 411016 if you would like to participate in an

Spirulina abstracts draft 6

Immunity Zh Mikrobiol Epidemiol Immunobiol. 2001 Mar-Apr;(2):114-8. [Biological activity of Spirulina] [Article in Russian] Mechnikov Research Institute for Vaccines and Sera, Moscow, Russia. In this review information of Spirulina platensis (SP), a blue-green alga (photosynthesizing cyanobacterium) having diverse biological activity is presented. Due to high content of highly valu


Exhibit A MERCER COUNTY MH/MR DRUG FORMULARY Effective July 1, 2012 All forms of a drug listed on this formulary will be covered with the exception of injectables. Generic drugs must be substituted, if available. In order for a brand name to be dispensed, the prescriber must hand-write “brand necessary” or “brand medically necessary.” BRAND NAME ABILIFY …………�

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Dr. Ashley Miller MBBS, PhD, FRACP Referral Gastroenterologist and Endoscopist All correspondance: Also at: Williamstown Specialist Centre, Williamstown All appointments: Phone 9417 1811 Fax 9415 7419 Request please tick box(es): Gastroscopy Colonoscopy Consultation Capsule Endoscopy (Pillcam) Patient details Referring doctor details/stamp Referrals fo

Curriculum vitae

CURRICULUM VITAE DANIELA COCCHI - Full Professor of Pharmacology , Faculty of Medicine, University of Brescia; - Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Brescia; - Director of the Research Center on Bone Metabolic Diseases and Osteoporosis; -past Chairperson of the Department of Biomedical Sciences and Biotechnologies, University of Brescia. Research interest :

Medimed all applications 201

APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP MEDIMED MEDICAL SCHEME P.O. Box 1672 7 Lutman Road CALL CENTRE 041-395 4474 Port Elizabeth Richmond Hill E-MAIL ADDRESS [email protected] Port Elizabeth www.providence.co.za SECTION 1 PERSONAL DETAILS Please select one option by placing an "X" in the appropriate box SECTION 2 YOUR OPTION Please select one option by p


Disciplina que trata de la valoración moral de los actos humanos, además de conjunto de principios y denormas morales que regulan las actividades humanas. Del griego «ethos», el término ética equivaleetimológicamente al de moral (del latín «mos, moris»: costumbre, modo de comportarse); sin embargo, el usoparece asignar a este segundo término una connotación teológico−religiosa, at


Neuropsychiatric Sequelae of Traumatic Brain Injury The authors review the psychiatric disturbances associated with traumatic brain injury. Theyhighlight the close link between traumatic brain injury and psychiatry and provide an overviewof the epidemiology, risk factors, classification, and mechanisms of traumatic brain injury. Theydescribe various neuropsychiatric sequelae, and the respective t


BRAND NAME: MELONEX, METACAM, MOBIC, MOBICOXMeloxicam is a member of the class of drugs known as NSAIDs (non-steroidalanti-inflammatory drugs), the same class as such common over-the-counter pain remedies asAdvil (Ibuprofen), Aleve (Naproxen), Orudis (ketoprofen), and Aspirin. Most NSAIDs cannot be used in pets due to the following unacceptable side effects:• Stomach ulceration - even perfo


26.02.13 Sicherheitsdatenblatt (91/155/EWG) 1. Stoff-/Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Handelsname: Dehner Ameisenfrei (0,27% Permethrin) Gruppendatenblatt gültig für: Angaben zum Produkt: Artikelnummer: Hersteller/Lieferant: terrasan Haus- + Gartenbedarf GmbH & Co. KG Tel. 0049 - (0) 90 90 / 9 666 – 0; Fax - 67 Notfallnummer: 0049 – 90 90


Mycology The ECMM/CEMM Mycology Newsletter is mailedto the members of the national societies affiliatedto the European Confederation of Medical newsletter Mycology (about 3000 in 23 different countries) European Confederation of Medical Mycology Confédération Européenne de Mycologie Médicale Our 13th anniversary Contents Last year a voting round among the Council membersh

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