"N" - Modern Medicine:

Microsoft word - 25? congreso internacional del notariado _madrid 2007_ - r…

DE LOS BIENES INMUEBLES Y SU INDIVIDUALIZACIÓN El Art. 286 de la ley 12.804 establece que “Las escrituras de traslación o declaración de dominio y las sentencias que declaran la prescripción adquisitiva, respecto de bienes inmuebles, deberán tomar base y hacer mención al plano de mensura de los mismos. El plano deberá estar inscripto en la Dirección General de Catastro y Administ

Common patient radio report format

Tips for Radio Reporting & Example Format Plan ahead. Practice in your mind if time permits Be orderly & concise in your presentation [Goal < 30 seconds with max < 60 seconds] Omit no important details Avoid all irrelevant details Be accurate, honest and objective Avoid speculation Observe physicians and nurses in the ER as they receive EMS radio reports. Note

Nissan leaf a5

REMOTE FUNCTIONS* LI-ION BATTERY LIFE Vehicle telematic capabilities enable you to perform remote functions from a compatible internet If the vehicle is parked for a long period of time, the Li-ion battery will gradually discharge. enabled smart phone or personal computer such as: To keep the Li-ion battery in good condition, charge the battery once every 3 months Battery status - The

Microsoft word - leaflet sj_005_201131128_delcastillo_2012-01-17.doc

Antioxidant product derived from coffee residues CSIC has developed a procedure for the extraction of antioxidant compounds from coffee silverskin, a residue of roasted coffee beans. The method involves an extraction step with water and the extracts contain high amounts of bioactive compounds such as chlorogenic acid and caffeine, with applications in cosmetics, food and


Customiziation im Gesund- heitswesen Wettbewerbsvorteile durch Beziehungsmarketing • Werbebotschaften gehen immer mehr in der• Um einen adäquaten noise-level zu erreichen,• Produkte werden immer austauschbarer und • Loyalität der Kunden sinkt kontinuierlich• Beziehungsmarketing ist das Erfolgsrezept• Beziehungsmarketing gewährleistet eine klareDifferenzierung

Microsoft word - nucleolistofingredients

Nucleo™ ingredient list and nutritional information as it appears on the packaging. Both these lists are approved by the South African Directorate Food control. This product is registered as a complimentary medicine with the Medicines Control Counsel of South Africa. (Registration number 421750) Ingredients Pre cooked full yellow maize, soya milk powder, fructose, nature identical apple flavo


EC Safety Data Sheet pursuant to Directive 2001/58/EC Convotherm GmbH Trade name: Convocare-K Product no.: 3007028 Issue: 19.12.03 1. Substance/preparation and company name Product particulars Trade name: Convocare-K , concentrate for mixing 1 : 9 withwater Manufacturer/supplier particulars Address: Convotherm Elektrogeräte GmbHTalstraße 35D-82436 Eglfing / GermanyTel. no.: +4




P.A.I.N.S Prescribing Advice In North Somerset Wc 13/5/13 Public Health England have issued information leaflets containing clinical advice and symp- toms about ticks & Lyme disease. These can be obtained from nd There is a local Public Health training evening for pharmacists and technicians on June 3rd at Castlewood to explain this year’s campaigns which include Be SunS


§5. Hierarchy-Interlocking Model in the Using this new model, we perform a multi-hierarchysimulation in which plasma flow satisfying a shifted Maxwellian velocity distribution propagates from PIC to MHD domains. Figure 1 shows the bird’s eye view of the Usami, S., Horiuchi, R., Ohtani, H., Den, M. (NICT)profiles of plasma mass density at Zcet=1300 and at Zcet=2000. The simulation dom

Datos sobre dinamarca jazz, pop, rock y tecno

Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Dinamarca JAZZ, ROCK, POPY TECNOLa canción Barbie Girl lanzó en 1997 algrupo de pop Aqua y a Dinamarca alpanorama mundial de la música máspopular. Tras 28 millones de discos vendi-dos en todo el mundo, el grupo se disol-vió en agosto de 2001. Aqua se mantuvoen la cresta de la ola durante casi cuatroaños, cosa poco habitual en el pop y rockEl conjunto

Microsoft word - rheumatoid_arthritis.doc

Use of Complementary Therapies in the Treatment of Rheumatoid Arthritis Article by Louise Joel BHSc (comp med) Adv Dip Nat, Adv Dip Herb Med. 2009 Complementary therapies for rheumatoid arthritis include naturopathy, herbal medicine, psychological approaches and a number of other treatment modalities. Nutritional and dietary therapies are a well-researched area of management for rheumatoid a

Curriculum vitae

Dr. Mohammad Reza Abbaspour PhD of pharmaceutics Assistant professor Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy & Nanotechnology Research Centre Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences P.O. Box: 61357-33184, Ahvaz, Iran Tel / fax: +98 611 3738381 E-mail: abbaspourmr@ajums.ac.ir; abbaspourmr@yahoo.com Education: - Ph.D of pharmaceutics, School of Pharmac


Klinik und Poliklinik für Nuklearmedizin: Erfasste Publikationen Publikationen 2012 1. Experimental first-pass method for testing and comparing sorbent polymers used in the clearance of iodine contrast materials. Blood Purif. 2012;34(1): 34-9 (Impact(2012)=2.062, Typ=Journal Article) Angheloiu GO, Hänscheid H, Wen X, Capponi V, Anderson WD, Kellum JA 2. Inversion-recovery single-

Brief englisch

Updated guidelines for the conduction of autopsies in cases of suspected Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease Autopsies of patients suffering from prion diseases are intrinsically hazardous and mandate special precautions to minimize the risk of infection. While prions may be less contagious than many other human pathogens, prion infections are inexorably lethal, and neither effective treatment

Microsoft word - copy of pt reg 2.doc

Patient Registration NEO Foot & Ankle Surgical Associates, Inc 1 PATIENT INFORMATION TODAY’S DATE______________________________________________PATIENT’S LAST NAME_______________________________FIRST_______________________________MIDDLE INITIAL__________________MAILING ADDRESS_________________________________________________________________APT NO________________________________CIT

Microsoft word - gprfbc10660 gavin mark louw v uti parma.doc

Commissioner: ADVOCATE LC. SHANDU GPRFBC10660 24 AUGUST 2010 In the ARBITRATION between: GAVIN MARK LOUW UTI PARMA Union/Applicant’s representative : Respondent’s representative : D DETAILS OF HEARING AND REPRESENTATION [1] This was an arbitration process set-down for hearing on 13 August 2010 at the premises of the National Bargaining Council for the Road F


Iniciativa climática e florestal do governo norueguês O aquecimento global é talvez um dos principais desafios de nossos tempos e uma das tarefas mais árduas que a comunidade internacional tem enfrentado até hoje. A Noruega tem como meta prioritária limitar o aumento da temperatura média global a 2 graus em relação ao nível pré-industrial. De acordo com o Painel Inter

Medical issues associated with commercial flights

Medical issues associated with commercial fl ights Almost 2 billion people travel aboard commercial airlines every year. Health-care providers and travellers need to be Lancet 2008; 373: 2067–77 aware of the potential health risks associated with air travel. Environmental and physiological changes that occur Published Online during routine commercial fl ights lead to mild hypoxia a


Giardiasis Introduction  Giardiasis is a diarrhoeal illness seen throughout the world. It is caused by a flagellate protozoan parasite, Giardia intestinalis , also known as G. lamblia and G. duodenalis. Epidemiology   Global epidemiology Giardia is a common cause of gastrointestinal disturbance in both high- and low- income countries [1]. The incidence of Giardia is gen

Questionnaire - updated 8.2006.doc

HBDI FAMILY RESOURCE QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE GENETICS OF TYPE 1 DIABETES Section I: Contact Information Primary Family Contact ( the person filling out this questionnaire ): Name ( First, Last ): , agree to release the enclosed information to the HBDI. HBDI may release my coded, anonymous information to approved diabetes researchers. The information in this questionnai


THE PSYCHOLOGIST-MANAGER JOURNAL, 2005, 8 (1), 17–28Copyright © 2005 by the Society of Psychologists in Management California School of Organizational Studies This article reviews the role of organizational diagnosis in managerial and organiza-tional consultative roles. The particular contributions of Harry Levinson are high-lighted. The ways in which Levinson, a pioneering clinical psycholo


Beth M. Silverstein, DONorth Shore University Hospital, North Shore–Long Island Jewish Health System, Manhasset, New York Abstract   Effective treatment of epilepsy remains a medical juggling act. Neu- rologists must weigh effective control of seizure activity with patients’ medical histories and comorbidities t

A-lt-04-06 plus 720z lam

Polyester Resin PLUS 720 Characteristics: This is a product for manual application. It contains unsaturated polyester resin with suitable catalysts. The 50% paste of benzoyl peroxide should be used as a hardener (Novol Art. No. 5022). Polyester Resin is suitable for repairing holes and rust damages in car bodies, as well as for laminating yachts, boats and caravans. Obtained coat has a


G.C.E (A/L) ENGLISH - EXAMINATION SYLLABUS Objectives: During the two years the students should be taught to respond to language sensitively. Candidates should be able to write smoothly, correctly and intelligibly, and they should be taught economy of expression, logical thinking and aesthetic expression through language. Content : There will be two papers of three hours each. Pap

Clinical consultation.xlsx

Clinical Consultation Thank you for taking the time to fil out this intake form. Please feel free to put question marks next to any sections that you have questions about, and answer only those areas you are comfortable answering. During the consultation we wil go over this form together. PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Intake Form Name Are you currently seeing another practitioner?If yes, please p

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use new injecting equipment, swab the site you intend I’ve been buying my gear from the same dealer for the past to use before injecting, use sterile water to mix up, and 12 months. Last week I rang my ‘man’ to score on pay day, wash your hands before injecting. Normal bacteria in but to my disappointment he answered the phone from a the mouth can lead to endocarditis if it ends


FAIA - Fundo de Apoio ao Investimento no Alentejo Portaria nº1122/99 de 29 de Dezembro, alterada pela portaria nº664/2001 de 28 de Junho 1. Objectivos O FAIA vigora até 2003 e tem os seguintes objectivos: a. Apoiar projectos de investimento que contribuam para a criação ou consolidação de b. Contribuir para a qualificação do emprego; c. Reforçar o tecido económico reg


  The first prophylactic antibiotic dose should provide a sufficient antibiotic serum level throughout the surgery to combat organisms   The first dose be timed to occur within 60 minutes before the surgical incision is made.   If a fluoroquinolone or vancomycin is chosen for administered within 120 minutes of the start of   For most surgeries, the use of prophylactic a

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MANUFACTURERS OF: ORGANIC CHEMICALS & PHARMA INTERMEDIATES REGD OFF: 13/14, MOHINI VILLA, M.G.ROAD, KANDIVALI (W), MUMBAI-400067.INDIA. TEL: 0091-22-28016437/65092080/64185353/ Fax: 0091-22-28016437/23438411 Fact: Phase-II, GIDC, Vatva, Ahemdabad-382445. Web : www.nilkanthorganics.com Email :nilkanthorganics@gmail.com ________________________________________________________


markets and enables provision of an AMRand prepayment service. It is a single-phase meter intended for use in residentialapplications. The meter incorporates afully integrated GSM/GPRS modem thatcan be exchanged with integrated RS485communication interface for block installa-tions. It is a perfect combination of well-proven metering technology and state-of-the-art GSM/GPRS modem, all inte

Brain scans

http://web.archive.org/web/20071215020704/http://www.mcmanweb.co. Home Articles Links News Newsletter Books Forum Community Search Brain Scans John McManamy Your Depression Pre-order my book and Bipolar Carol Tamminga MD, of the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at on Amazon Disorder Source Dallas, told a seminar at the 2003 NAMI convention how she and

Sucht adhs.doc

ADHS und Sucht Bis zu 50%, der Menschen, die ADHS im Kindesalter hatten, haben im Jugend-und Erwachsenenalter noch deutliche Symptome eines ADHS nämlich: Konzentrations- und Aufmerksamkeitsstörungen Hyperaktivität, Getriebenheit oder Hypoaktivität, Langsamkeit schnelle Stimmungswechsel Chaos und Desorganisation impulsive Handlungen Selbstzweifel Vergesslichkeit Schwierigkeiten mit Mitmens

Acid blockers and malnutrition – what’s the connection

ACID BLOCKERS AND MALNUTRITION - THE MYTH OF HYPERACIDITY © 2005 Your prescription for Osteoporosis, Visual Disturbances Heart disease, Dementia, Stomach cancer and so much more WHAT’S THE CONNECTION? By Juliana Mazzeo – MS, CDN – Medical Nutritionist Acid blockers or proton inhibitors range from the acid and its contents along with the gases up into mild anta

Info operaties aan de amandelen bij volwassenen

OPERATIES AAN DE AMANDELEN BIJ VOLWASSENEN Het lichaam bezit een uitgebreid systeem om infecties te bestrijden, het zgn. lymfkliersysteem. De overgang van mond en neus naar de keel bevat, als een soort ring, veel van dit lymfklierweefsel. Het vangt binnendringende ziekteverwekkers zoveel mogelijk op en maakt ze onschadelijk. Op een paar plaatsen is dit lymfklierweefsel verdikt: 1. in de


PROSPECTO FLUCONAZOL NORGREEN 200 mg/100 ml. Fluconazol 2mg./ml. Forma Farmacéutica: Solución Inyectable I.V. Venta Bajo Receta Archivada Industria Argentina FORMULA CUALI – CUANTITATIVA: Cada envase de FLUCONAZOL NORGREEN contienen:  Frasco ampolla o sachet de polipropileno de 100 ml Acción Terapéutica: Antimicótico de uso sistémico. Indicaciones: Candidiasi

Microsoft word - res update - dec 2007

NVA RESEARCH UPDATE NEWSLETTER December 2007 www.nva.org This newsletter has been supported, in part, through a grant from the Enterprise Rent-A-Car Foundation . This newsletter is quarterly and contains abstracts from medical journals published between September and December 2007 (abstracts presented at scientific meetings may also be included). Please direct any comments regarding thi


Society of Nuclear Medicine Procedure Guideline for Pediatric Sedation in Nuclear Medicine version 3.0, approved January 25, 2003 Authors: Gerald A. Mandell, MD (DuPont Hospital for Children, Wilmington, DE); Massoud Majd, MD (Children’s Na-tional Medical Center, Washington, DC); Eglal I. Shalaby-Rana, MD (Children’s National Medical Center, Washington,DC); and Isky Gordon, MD (Great O

Bio-identical horomones title page.pdf

Physician's Reference The information contained in this brochure is compiled from various sources and medical experts is intended to be used only as a source of information for women making decisions about hormone replacement therapy. The benefits or health risks associated with any medical treatment progress depend on a woman's individual health profile and cannot be determined simply by read

Microsoft word - document4 _1_.docx

Purim 101: Frequently Asked Questions We often think of Purim with its costumes and noisemakers as a children's holiday. But its themes and ideas are of great importance to Jewish life. In fact, our tradition tells us that we are to drop whatever we are doing, no matter its importance, to go and listen to the story of Purim. What is the Story of Purim? This story in the Book of Esther t


Monica Zolezzi, BPharm, MSc. Long-acting injectable antipsychotics, also known as "depots", were developed in the late 1960s as an attempt toimprove compliance and long-term management of schizophrenia. Despite their availability for over 30 years,guidelines for their use and data on patients for whom long-acting injectable antipsychotics are most indicated aresparse and vary consider

Microsoft word - head_injury_patient_instructions.doc



TIME 2 DO MORE in Diabetes ESTUDIO: antecedentes y metodología RACIONAL Y OBJETIVOS En todo el mundo, más de 382 millones de personas padecen diabetes, y cada seis segundos una persona muere a causa de esta enfermedad1. El número de personas con diabetes está creciendo en todos los países, principalmente a causa de la rápida urbanización, los cambios en la dieta y los estil

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The Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller Empire State Plaza Antonia C. Novello, M.D., M.P.H., Dr.P.H. The Uninsured Care Programs (ADAP) has grown rapidly since 1996, with increasing enrollment, higher numbers of participants using the program services, and increasing drug prices. The Program is primarily funded with federal money. To make the best use of limited resources available, we must tak

Healthnet healthcare insurance

GROUP MEDICAL INSURANCE POLICY CONDITIONS In recognition of the payment of the PREMIUM WE undertake to reimburse MEDICAL TREATMENT CHARGES for MEDICAL TREATMENT incurred during the POLICY YEAR. YOUR cover is governed by the following documents all of which must be read together. The Application Form and any associated declarations. The Policy Conditions when YOUR POLICY begins or is renewe

Fei prohibited substances list 20oct09-sentnfs17dec09.xlsx

Equine Prohibited Substances List This is the Equine Prohibited Substances List that was sent out to all NFs on 20 October. Neither this List nor the Equine Anti-Doping and Controlled Medication Regulations (EADCMR) are in current usage and, following a Bureau resolution passed on 17 December 2009, they will come into effect on 5 April 2010. The existing list of FEI prohibited substances,

Microsoft word - 2007.04.02-nwt_initial_memo_ic_formulary.doc

MEMORANDUM SUBJECT: INTRODUCTION OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORIES INTERCHANGEABILITY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES, GNWT We are pleased to introduce to you the Northwest Territories Interchangeability Formulary (NWT IC Formulary) which can be found on-line at http://www.nwticformulary.com . This NWT IC Formulary reflects changes in the new Pharmacy Act in the Northwest Terr


C&C BS1 BATHROOM CLEANER [11210] 11210 BS1 BATHROOM CLEANER SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING 1.1. Product identifier BS1 BATHROOM CLEANER 1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1.3. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet Nationwide Hygiene Supplies 1.4. Emergency

Microsoft word - 1-4-1-4 buckley.doc

FACTORS CONTRIBUTING TO BUCKLEY’S TOBACCO QUIT RATE (62%) 1. We base our program on a research based, scientific system – QuitSmart QuitSmart was developed by Robert Shipley, Ph.D of the Duke Stop Smoking Program. The system is comprehensive and addresses virtually all roadblocks to quitting (see the “Military Intervention Protocol” attachment, compliments of Dr. Shipley). This Proto

Microsoft word - a0126-04.doc

Cross-Respondent, v. DEBBIE CARDENAS, Defendant-Respondent/ Cross-Appellant. _______________________________________________________________ Submitted respondent/cross-appellant (John A. Jones, on the The parties were married on June 24, 1983, and divorced on June 30, 2004. They have four emancipated children. Two children were born of the marriage: Jimmy was born on December 14, 1983, and

(microsoft word - caf\351 nile avec isabelle adenot 8oct09 ia)

Café nile avec Isabelle Adenot, le 8 octobre 2009 Présidente du Conseil National de l’Ordre des Pharmaciens, Isabelle Adenot a tout d’abord fait le point sur les préoccupations de son organisation à l’égard de la loi Hôpital Patients Santé et Territoires (HPST), et de l’Article 38 qui redéfinit les missions des pharmaciens d’officine. Isabelle Adenot a souligné que HPST, lo

Microsoft word - emergency medical form.doc


New medicalhistoryquestionnaire[1] 2

MEDICAL HISTORY QUESTIONNAIRE NAME: Mr./Miss/Mrs./Ms./Dr. ____________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH: (DAY/MONTH/YEAR): _________________________________________ HOME ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, WE SHOULD NOTIFY: CITY: __________________________________________ NAME: ________________________________


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Date: March 8,2013 Contact: Mark L. Doyle Phone: 540-379-7831 It’s Time to Spring Forward: Change Your Clock, Check Your Battery Stafford Virginia: On March 10, 2013 at 2 a.m. EST we will all be setting our clocks to Daylight Saving Time. The time change is a good reminder to check your smoke alarms. A properly installed and maintained smoke alarm is


Nigerian Journal of Science, Technology and Environmental Education (NIJOSTEE), Vol. 3, No. 1, July 2010 ISSN: 0331-9873 In Vitro Determination of Bactericidal Effects of Garlic ( Allium sativum ) on Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichi coli Medical Microbiology Department, Federal Medical Centre, Jalingo. Abstract Sensitivity patterns of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus


Mayan ruins and rich with history. The largeAfter we all had our fill of that, we hit a couplestructures stand on high embankments above aof wonderful beaches through the Akumal area onour way back to Playa del Carmen for the ferry ridehome. We returned in time to get cleaned up fordinner, which was their weekly barbecue on thebeach. The food was traditional Mexican fare, butthe hi

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ABN 72 110 028 825 Level 16 Santos Place, 32 Turbot Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 PO Box 13038 George St Post Shop, Brisbane QLD 4003 T: 1800 AUSCRIPT (1800 287 274) F: 1300 739 037 E: clientservices@auscript.com.au W: www.auscript.com.au TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS FEDERAL COURT OF AUSTRALIA CEREMONIAL SITTING OF THE FULL COURT TO FAREWELL THE HONOURABLE JUSTICE LINDGREN

Section 15100 - mechanical general equipment

SECTION 23 01 00 - MECHANICAL GENERAL EQUIPMENT Flashing and Sealing Equipment and Pipe Stacks ASME - B40.1 - Gages - Pressure Indicating Dial Type - Elastic Element. ASTM E1 - Specification for ASTM Thermometers. ASTM E77 - Verification and Calibration of Liquid-in-Glass Thermometers. ASTM F708 - Design and Installation of Rigid Pipe Hangers. MSS SP58 - Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials


Mechanism of photoinhibition: magnetic field effect, singlet oxygen and kinetics Esa Tyystjärvi1, Marja Hakala-Yatkin1, Päivi Sarvikas1, Heta Mattila1, Sirin Dönmez1, Taina Tyystjärvi1, Petriina Paturi2, Ladislav Nedbal3 1Molecular Plant Biology, Department of Biochemistry and Food Chemistry, FI-20014 University of Turku, Finland; 2Department of Physics, FI-20014 University of Turku, Fi


Das Noonan-Syndrom Gregor Schlüter1, Malte Rossius1, Armin Wessel2, Barbara Zoll1 Zusammenfassung tyrosin-Phosphorylase, die eine zentrale Regu- that are set low and rotated posteriorly, steno- latorfunktion in fast allen Signaltransduktions- sis of the pulmonal valve and short stature. Das Noonan-Syndrom ist ein Dysmorphie-Syn- wegen von Wachstumsfaktoren ausübt. Diese


PRE-OPERATIVE INSTRUCTIONS FOR PATIENTS FOR KNEE REPLACEMENT THINGS TO CONSIDER WHILST WAITING FOR YOUR KNEE REPLACEMENT In The Months Leading Up To Your Joint Replacement - Any other medical problems you have would normally have been considered when you saw your surgeon at the time of booking your operation. However, if your medical condition changes whilst waiting for your joint


Date November 10, 2011 (FINAL) Authors Karen E. Jacobson – NEMSIS Director Keith R. Davis – NEMSIS Data Architect N. Clay Mann – NEMSIS P.I. dConfiguration.04 - Medications Permitted by the State The code list associated with dConfiguration.04 (Medications Permitted by the State) is represented by a selected group of values found in RxNorm. RxNorm is a standardized nomenclatu

North carolina department of correction

HEALTH SERVICES POLICY & PROCEDURE MANUAL To assure that DOP inmates with Soft Tissue Infections are receiving high quality Primary Care for their infections and that the risk of infecting other inmates or staff is minimized. All DOP Primary Care Providers are expected to follow this guideline and/or will document in the medical record any deviations from this guideline and the

Microsoft word - taina caragol release__13 154a.doc

Media only: Media website: http://newsdesk.si.edu National Portrait Gallery Announces the Appointment of Taína Caragol as Curator for Latino Art and History The Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery has appointed Taína Caragol as its curator for Latino art and history. Caragol will be responsible for acquiring artworks for the museum’s permanent collection and is a part o

Microsoft word - georgia aquarium overview.doc

Georgia Aquarium Overview World’s Largest Aquarium Georgia Aquarium is the world’s largest aquarium with more than 10 million gallons of water and more aquatic life than any other aquarium. Situated in the heart of downtown Atlanta, Georgia Aquarium is a nonprofit organization dedicated to being a global leader in research and conservation programs that mirror the unique and amaz

On the horizon

Concise evaluated information to alert NHS Managers and Budget Holders to future drug technologies. Confidential for planning purposes only. Prasugrel for Acute Coronary Syndrome managed with Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Clinical and Patient Impact • Prasugrel is an antiplatelet agent with a similar mode of action

Name of the company

FAVORABLE FEDERAL COURT RULING – CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM Ranbaxy Ltd Rs.585 Market OutPerformer Turnover Profit (Rs.m) CEPS EBIDTA * nine month results Injunction vacated, opens doors for cefuroxime launch The US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Washington, has vacated a preliminary injunction of a US District Court, for District NewJersey, which prevented Ranbaxy from selli


NORTHEAST FRONTIER RAILWAY ATTENTION RAILWAY PENSIONERS ANNUAL PENSION ADALAT-2011 To redress grievances of railway pensioners (regarding pension & related benefits only), NF Railway wil hold the ANNUAL PENSION ADALAT-2011 on Thursday 15th December, 2011 at the fol owing venues: Establishment Unit Concerned Officer to be Addressed Asst. Personnel Officer, Office of CWM /

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First Name / Last name: ………………………………………… Birth Date: ………………………………………………… Address: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Tel.(home): ……………………. Tel.(mobile): …………………… Tel.(at work): …………�

Medication used to treat rheumatoid arthritis

Ask about your medicines for Rheumatoid Arthritis Information to help you understand and benefit from your medication People living with rheumatoid arthritis are usually treated with a combination of drugs depending on the severity of the disease and symptoms. It is important for us to understand the different roles of each drug, which vary from simply relieving pain to reducin


Eine Auswahl schlafmedizinischer Veranstaltungen Postgraduate Course: PG5 Obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome Organised jointly by the Clinical physiology and integrative biology Assembly and the Paediatrics Assembly Aims: To provide a basic overview on obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Topics covered will include: epidemiology and risk factors, pathophysiology of OSA, polysomnography and c


FINAL DECISION THIS MATTER came on for hearing before the undersigned Donald W. Overby, Administrative Law Judge, on October 15, 2012 and December 6, 2012, in Edenton, North Carolina. APPEARANCES Petitioner’s Petition for Contested Case Hearing alleged that she was discharged without just cause and that Respondent discriminated against her on account of her age. During the course of t

Microsoft word - consensus report.doc

Equine Veterinarians’ Consensus Report 1 Canadian Veterinary Medical Association 2 American Association of Equine Practioners 3 International League for the Protection of Horses 1 Dr. King is District Veterinarian for the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada and the President of the Ontario Equestrian Federation. He is the official representative of the Canadian Veter


SURGERYSurgery is undertaken to clear lesions which cannot be managed by simpler means. As illustrated a margin of healthy tissue is re-moved around the lesion so that the lab can examine it under the microscope to determine the characteristics and complete excision. You will note that a simple excision illustrated is aligned into the skin folds for best scar results and takes the shape of an

Microsoft word - wff standards for pilot project nov7.doc

STANDARDS FOR NEIPC-NWIPC WEED-FREE FORAGE PROGRAM PILOT PROJECT Various stakeholders working through the North East Invasive Plant Committee, NEIPC, and the Northwest Invasive Plant Council, NWIPC, are running a pilot program to develop and test a Weed-Free Forage Program for northern BC. The intent is to use the pilot and its findings to develop a Provincial program. The standards for the

Ertrag und futterqualität kg.pdf

Ertrag und Futterqualität sowie Fruchtfolgewirkung verschiedener Kleegrasmischungen auf Öko-Betrieben Einleitung In der Praxis gibt es Kleegrasbestände mit weniger als 5 % und solche mit mehr als 95 % Klee. Die Bedeutung von Kleegras im ökologisch wirtschaftenden Betrieb bezüglich Erzeugung von qualitativ hochwertigem Futter, Bindung von Luftstickstoff und Auflockerung der Frucht


Effective January 1, 2012 2012 EMPIRE PLAN FLEXIBLE FORMULARY Administered by UnitedHealthcare The following is a list of the most commonly prescribed generic and brand-name drugs included on the 2012 Empire Plan Flexible Formulary. This is not a complete list of all prescription drugs on the flexible formulary or covered under The Empire Plan. This list and excluded medications are


Management of Common Opioid-Induced Adverse Effects JOHN M. SWEGLE, PHARM.D., Mercy Family Medicine Residency Program, Mason City, Iowa CRAIG LOGEMANN, PHARM.D., Urbandale Family Physicians, Urbandale, Iowa Opioid analgesics are useful agents for treating pain of various etiologies; however, adverse effects are potential limita- tions to their use. Strategies to minimize adverse effect

Certificate of analysis

Specification Sheet Revised: 11/15/2012 PRODUCT: New-Unio® Standardized Nutraceutical Gran Onions PRODUCT CODE #: NU01G Technical Administrator: Sami Zoorob PLANT SPECIES : Allium Cepa Sami Zoorob Part used: Bulb Complies with all current USP/NF SOURCE/partner: Zhengzhou Harmoni spice CO. Ltd, Zhengzhou City, Henan, China Harvest Time: June/July Item Specification


Memorandum Date: David W. Hempe, Manager, Aircraft Engineering Division, AIR-100 Brad Miller, Avionic Systems Branch, AIR-130 Information: Policy and Guidance for Electronic Flight Bag Class 1 & 2 System Architecture and Aircraft Connectivity Background The FAA has previously published AC 120-76, Guidelines for the Certification, Airworthiness, and Operational Approval of E


We are writing to provide you with important information about El objeto de la presente es brindarles información acerca your child’s forthcoming trip to Rosario for the English del viaje de sus hijos a Rosario, en el que realizarán una Immersion experience. The tour company Cordoba experiencia de inmersión total en el idioma inglés. Córdoba Immersions has given us these r


1) Nakazato K, Kim C, Terajima K, Murata S1), Fujitani H, Nakanishi K, Tajima H1), Kumazaki T1),Sakamoto A(1)Department of Radiology/Center for Advanced Medical Technology, Nippon Medical School):Large volume loading to prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity during negative-balance isolated pelvicperfusion. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology2) Akada S, Fagerlund MJ1), Lindahl SG


This Product Highlights Sheet is an important document.  It highlights the key terms and risks of this investment product and complements the Prospectus1.  It is important to read the Prospectus before deciding whether to purchase units in the product. If you do not have a copy, please contact us to ask for one.  You should not invest in the product if you do


elcome to the fifth issue of The NUFA NEWS . NUFA— the Nipissing University Faculty Association—consists of all full-time and contract academic staff. The NUFA News is one of the ways A new round of negotiations is just around the corner , so S as we did in the fourth issue, we’ve listed the members of NUFA’s Executive and the Bargaining Committees so that you can see who w


0021-7557/07/83-05-Suppl/S204 Jornal de Pediatria Copyright © 2007 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria REVIEW ARTICLE Metabolic syndrome: identifying the risk factors Simão Augusto Lottenberg,1 Andrea Glezer,2 Luiz Alberto Turatti2 Abstract Objectives: To discuss the metabolic syndrome and identify its risk factors, including in the pediatric age group. Sources: Indexed re


PESQUISAS / RESEARCH / INVESTIGACIÓN Interações medicamentosas entre psicofármacos em um serviço especializado de saúde mental Interactions between pharmacotherapy in service mental health specialist Interacciones entre farmacoterapia en servicio especialista de salud mental Márcia Astrês Fernandes Farmacêutica. Enfermeira. Mestre em Enfermagem/UFRJ. Doutoranda da Universi

Neue studie

Das Cholesterin-Rätsel Der Nutzen von fettsenkenden Mitteln ist umstritten: Erstaunlich häufig bekommen Menschen trotz hohem Cholesterin keinen Infarkt - oder sie erleiden einen Infarkt trotz normaler Cholesterinwerte. Auch Mediziner kämpfen gegen eine Achse » Umstritten ist, ob des Bösen. Seit Jahren schon haben sie und inwieweit die Bluthochdruck, Übergewicht und Diabetes Senkung de


First Name_______________________ Middle Name______________________ Last Name_______________________ Prefers to be Called____________________________ Maiden Name__________________ DOB___________________ SS#_____________________________ State/Province of Birth_______________________ Age____________________ Level of Education:  8th Grade or Less  Some High School  High School Graduate �




COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL. NOT FOR REPRINT. The Journal of Reproductive Medicine® A Nutritional Supplement for Improving Fertility in Women A Pilot Study Lynn M. Westphal, M.D., Mary Lake Polan, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., Aileen Sontag Trant, Ph.D., and Stephen B. Mooney, M.D. OBJECTIVE: To determine the impact of nutritional P = .04). The placebo group (n = 15) did not show any no- sup

Analyse von vitaminen in lebensmittel und tierfutter

NutriControl NutriControl Vitaminen Vitamine sind Nährstoffe, die der Organismus für lebenswichtige Funktionen benötigt. Sie sind unverzichtbar für das Wachstum und die Erhaltung der Lebensfähigkeit des Körpers. Es sind 13 verschiedene Vitamine bekannt, wie zum Beispiel die wasserlöslichen Vitamine des B-Komplexes und Vitamin C und die fettlöslichen Vitamin A, D, E un


Dipartimento di Biologia Animale Piazza Botta 9-10 Pavia • Telefono: 0382 506289 • Fax: 0382 506290 • E-Mail: biolan@unipv.it Direttore: prof. Mauro Fasola DESCRIZIONE Il Dipartimento di Biologia Animale è sorto dalla confluenza di tre Istituti: Anatomia Comparata; Istologia, Embriologia eAntropologia; Zoologia, con la successiva afferenza dell’Istituto di Entomologia. Ad esso f


The National Defense Council Foundation Issue Alert ARTEMISININ NEW HOPE FOR MALARIA VICTIMS THE SCOURGE OF MALARIA Malaria is one of the triumvirate of diseases that has devastated the developing world. Along with AIDS and Tuberculosis, it has reached pandemic proportions in Asia and Africa with some 120 million clinical cases reported annually. Although the vast majority of M

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THE SIDE EFFECTS OF CHEMOTHERAPY You will hear many stories about the side effects of chemotherapy from well meaning (though often ill informed) people. There are numerous chemotherapy drugs, used in different regimens for different cancer types. Each person reacts differently to chemotherapy . Prior to commencing chemotherapy you will be requested to attend a pre-admission clinic with o

Corel office document

IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NOVA SCOTIA Citation: Cherny v. Glaxo Smith Kline Inc., 2008 NSSC 345 Date: 2008/11/19 Docket: S. H. No. 201450 Registry: Halifax Between: November 13, 2008, in Halifax, Nova Scotia Counsel: Kevin P. Downie, Gavin Giles,Q.C. and Wylie Spicer, Q.C. Solicitors for the PlaintiffTeresa J. Walsh and Gordon F. Proudfoot, Q.C. Solicitors for the Defendant By

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CURRICULUM ATTIVITÀ SCIENTIFICA E PROFESSIONALE Dott. Massimiliano NINO Data e luogo di nascita: 15/08/1973, Napoli.  29/07/1997: consegue la Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’ Università di NapoliFederico II con il massimo dei voti (Tesi dal titolo “Test di tolleranza nelle reazioni cutaneeda farmaci”).  31/10/2001: consegue il titolo di Specialista in Dermatologia e Vene


PRODUCT DATASHEET APEX 3 3” (80mm) Powerful, Lightweight Portable Printer with Class 2 Bluetooth® as Standard The newest addition to Extech’s 3” receipt printer line is designed for today’s mobile worker – powerful, rugged, lightweight and easy to use. As the fi rst printer to include Class 2 Bluetooth® as part of the standard communication offerings, the Apex 3 chan


European Green City Index | Luxembourg (city)_LuxembourgEuropean Green City Index | Luxembourg (city)_Luxembourgternatives to the motor vehicle. Besides a well-where it rivals the signage for motorists. In linewith SuperDrecksKëscht, a waste managementconnected public bus network, this strategy haswith developments in other European cities, Lux-foundation to convert all public buildings


Medicijnen en hun invloed Veel medicijnen die gebruikt worden door patiënten met hartfalen, kunnen van invloed zijn op de seksualiteit. Deze klachten kunnen remmend en vervelend voor u zijn. Een aantal geneesmiddelen kan erectieproblemen veroorzaken. Te • Alfa- en bètablokkers (bloeddrukverlagende medicijnen) De gevolgen van medicijnen kunnen per persoon verschillen. Zowel mannen al

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Landessortenversuche Körnermais NRW 2011: frühes Sortiment Hektarerträge (dt/ha bei 86 % T) relativ und Trockensubstanzgehalte (T) vorläufige Ergebnisse Versuchsorte Haus Düsse D.-Merfeld Del.-Ostenland Neulouisendorf Kerpen-Buir Coesfeld Paderborn Warendorf Erftkreis Emsland, Nds. Standorte Reifezahl Züchter/ Vertrieb dt/ha rel. dt/ha

Microsoft word - anticoagulation with coumadin guidelines 2008

NEON WARFARIN ANTICOAGULATION CLINICAL GUIDELINES: 7/08 Overview Warfarin is taken by mouth to inhibit vitamin K. This vitamin is essential for effective production ofclotting factors II, VII, IX, X, and anticoagulant proteins C&S. Warfarin is given once daily. It is monitoredby the prothrombin time and the international normalized ratio (INR). Warfarin is a narrow therapeuticindex drug

Our doctor has just ordered a test called an emg

Myasthenia gravis What is myasthenia gravis? Myasthenia gravis or simply ‘myasthenia’ is a disorder of neuromuscular junction. This is an area where nerves end and send signal across the junction to control muscles. Why does myasthenia gravis happen? Myasthenia gravis is a type of Autoimmune disorders occur when your own immune system mistakenly attacks normal healthy tissues. I


Alabama Dept. of Agriculture and Industries Dennis Barclift . Plant Pest Administrator The information, as provided, is for informational purposes only and should not be interpreted as complete, nor should it be considered legally binding. Coordination with both your state and the destination state plant regulatory agency listed above may be necessary to stay up-to-date on revised requirem


Publications supported by the Cell Imaging Facility-Nikon Imaging Center (accumulated and filtered to the best of our ability) Angeloni, N.L., C.W. Bond, Y. Tang, D.A. Harrington, S. Zhang, S.I. Stupp, K.E. McKenna, and C.A. Podlasek. 2011. Regeneration of the cavernous nerve by Sonic hedgehog using aligned peptide amphiphile nanofibers. Biomaterials. 32:1091-1101. Antinone, S.E., S.V. Zaichick,

Medication list

MEDICATION LIST Please avoid Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Motrin and Aleve, as these can cause excessive bleeding. If you are on anticoagulants/blood thinner such as Coumadin (Warfarin) and Plavix (Clopidogrel) you must inform the performing surgeon. In addition to Aspirin-like medications, Vitamin E and many herbal supplements need to be stopped such as Ga


Care after stroke or transient ischaemic attack Information for patients and their carers This booklet is based on the National Clinical Guideline for Stroke , third edition, which includes the National Institute for Health andClinical Excellence recommendations for management of acute stroke Contents Who the booklet is for and what it covers Principles of care for people w

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EPDE concerned about EP and PACE statement on presidential election in Azerbaijan Berlin, 14 October 2013: European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE) is seriously concerned about the findings and conclusions1 made by the delegations of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the European Parliament (EP) after the observation of the Presidential electi

Formulary drug list_for public v5 25112013.xlsx

IntroductionThe North West London Hospitals NHS Trust (NWLHT) Formulary is a list of medicines approved for local prescribing. Medicines are listed alphabetically by generic name and under the Bristish National Formulary (BNF) chapter headings. Please note: The formulary does not specify the brand name or formulation of a

Microsoft word - protokoll 26 april 2013

Protokoll från Styrelsemöte för Norrlands Nätverk för Musikteater och Dans Tid: Fredag den 26 april 2013, kl 10.00-12.30 Närvarande: Britt-Marie Loggert-Andrén (via telefon) Övriga närvarande: Jeanette Knutstam (nyvald ersättare för Västerbotten) Ärenden: § 1 Val av protokolljusterare Beslutar styrelsen att utse Lena Bäckelin att jämte ordförande ju

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